Example sentences of "[not/n't] [vb infin] [art] first [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It is unlikely , though , that we can handle all these if we can not make the first distinction systematically ( and the alert reader can no doubt find mistakes of this sort within this book ) .
2 She would definitely not make the first move .
3 He started his career at Everton , but did not make the first team and has since played at Bolton , Chester , Lincoln , West Brom and Preston .
4 All three do their best under Penny Ciniewicz 's rather heavy-handed direction , but they can not beat a first play that has just got too much to say .
5 At times , house air waybills use neutral formats that do not identify the first airline .
6 Why not take the first step to a happy ending — and complete the coupon right now ?
7 You do not enter the first forest for fun , for adventure .
8 ( Thus a child who did not reach the first birthday is counted as zero year old ; from 12 completed months to 23 completed months as one year old , etc . )
9 The treaty was never implemented , however , perhaps because the French could not raise the first instalment of the ransom in the six months specified , and in May 1359 the ‘ Second Treaty of London ’ was concluded .
10 In other words , if you do not receive a first grading , that is as far as you go although you get a written critique , so that you at least know why you did n't make the placings .
11 Having been involved in a substantial amount of this sort of work for 15 years , I believe it is correct to aver that once a person reaches 60 there is an unwritten rule or convention which determines that he or she shall not receive a first appointment .
12 Lord Hope did not accept the first submission on behalf of the pursuers , which was to the effect that when the completed application form was sent to the building society the pursuers had accepted an offer made by the society to consider the application , as , unlike in Hunter v General Accident Fire and Life Assurance Co , 19O9SC ( HL ) 3O , the building society in the present case had not given any undertaking to consider the application and were under no obligation to do so .
13 However , the areas he must address do not concern the first team alone .
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15 Everyone in the whole marine department just threw up their hands in horror and told me I was crazy , I did n't know the first thing about ships , the whole marine fleet would fall apart .
16 ‘ You do n't know the first thing about the business , woman . ’
17 He had been told that he did n't know the first thing about it , that the young were all the same , destructive and careless , that Mrs Irving set a value on her privacy .
18 I 've been so hoping you would soon be ready to join Brownies , but how can I pass over to a Brownie Guider a girl who wo n't lend a hand without being given something first and who does n't know the first thing about being obedient ? ’
19 And anyway , even if we ask them , I mean , even if they think we can do something about it , though Christ knows what , I do n't want a lot of knowalls who have n't got any kids and do n't know the first thing about them telling us what to do with ours — ’
20 ‘ But I do n't know the first thing about being a dog , ’ young Anabelle pointed out .
21 ‘ I do n't know the first thing about anything , really . ’
22 I do n't know the first thing about brochs .
23 Some of the people who talk about commitment do n't know the first thing about it .
24 You do n't know the first thing , do you ? "
25 You simply do n't know the first thing about marriage , do you ?
26 ‘ Most of them do n't know the first thing about sailing . ’
27 She did n't know the first thing about him , after all .
28 And as I had this urge to correct manuscripts as I went along , and could n't read his handwriting , and did n't know the first thing about Roman Britain , you can imagine he felt obliged to educate me .
29 What was she doing , anyway , going out with a man she did n't know the first thing about ?
30 ‘ You do n't know the first thing about my relationship with Florian ! ’
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