Example sentences of "[not/n't] [vb infin] [pn reflx] [prep] that " in BNC.

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1 The British Cabinet system simply does not lend itself to that sort of Novices ' Handicap .
2 But he would not commit himself beyond that .
3 ‘ Call me if you need me in Theatre — but I 'd just as soon Tim Mayhew did it — I do n't trust myself near that bastard . ’
4 Around the same time , I entered this competition — it was a kind of beauty competition , although it did n't describe itself in that way .
5 I would , I would have to be absolutely honest and that and er I would n't exclude myself from that particular er way of thinking because when they moved in , when you got a time for a job , erm for example there was one particular job that I was on erm and I thought that I was doing it reasonable accurately and rapidly , erm and they wanted to introduce a new fixture so that you know , I could do the whole series of faces on it .
6 It 's up to me whether I eat or not , too , but I just ca n't see myself on that diet of nothing . ’
7 When I thought about it clearly I could n't see myself in that role . ’
8 Watch you do n't burn yourself on that lady !
9 A lot of people wo n't commit themselves to that kind of thing .
10 Do n't blame yourself for that choice ; you had reasons for adopting it at the time .
11 ‘ Do n't blame yourself for that . ’
12 ‘ At least you need n't blame yourself for that . ’
13 Erm , one reason why ca n't help himself to that is because that would be a history of change , that would be a history of the body , and that is not intrinsic to us .
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