Example sentences of "[not/n't] [vb infin] [pn reflx] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 ( 1981 ) , who are able to alter the appearance of their homes , tend not to use modernist styles , which , in any case , do not lend themselves to such appropriation .
2 Some phenomena may simply not lend themselves to this kind of analysis .
3 The British Cabinet system simply does not lend itself to that sort of Novices ' Handicap .
4 One difference is this : Sartre 's aim is the philosophical one of redescribing the location of bodily sensations in a way which does not lend itself to such misunderstandings as that two people could feel the same pain as they can see the same table .
5 I have also tried to divide the particular provisions of the precedents into chapters , where appropriate , but I feel that the agreement does not lend itself to such a division , and I have therefore dealt with that in a chapter by itself .
6 Officials and administrators can not divest themselves of all ideological clothing in the advice which they tender to their political masters , or in the independent decisions which they are in a position to take .
7 According to Oakeshott , something less pretentious will do ; viz. , ‘ that we are not children in statu pupillari but adults who do not consider themselves under any obligation to justify their preference for making their own choices ’ .
8 For that reason , the Territorial Army does not consider itself in any way a second-class alternative .
9 But it seems that I can not rid myself of this fear of running short of money .
10 ULSTER cattle herds could be under threat from ‘ imported ’ bovine diseases which may not show themselves for several years .
11 In the pubs , the report added , they would have been ‘ safe … as the pacifists are generally teetotallers who will not show themselves in these abodes of iniquity . ’
12 While I can not associate myself with some of the language used by the hon. Member for Sunderland , South ( Mr. Mullin ) , many people feel that it is high time that the United States modernised its economic relations with Vietnam and started to observe the common action programme agreed between 24 countries in respect of the Vietnamese boat people in Hong Kong .
13 She usually so high and bright , a breezy chatter of her day in class , but now ; her work , the tawse , the first time she had used it , her tearful minute victims , she did not feel herself at all .
14 Internal prison reformers can not divorce themselves from these issues , however sensitive they might be .
15 I was now certain that I could not see myself in any type of residential home in the future .
16 But I could not stop myself from more murder .
17 Up to one-third of people can not force themselves through this procedure , even for the best of diagnostic reasons , and the court would never enforce a complete stay of the action in these circumstances ( see further RSC Order 25 , r 6 ) .
18 A leading figure in the Arab world , sure that the Third World should not align itself with either superpower .
19 I wondered what it was that could come between a husband and wife when their child killed herself away from home and in circumstances for which they could not hold themselves in any way responsible .
20 Difficulties also arise in the case of damage done in the past , or when the effects do not manifest themselves for some time .
21 If it did not manifest itself in this particular way , however , Aethelbald 's power was none the less real .
22 Kaifu promised to make efforts to reduce his country 's large trade surplus with South Korea — estimated to have exceeded US$6,000 million in 1990 — but he did not commit himself to any specific measures to achieve this .
23 But he would not commit himself beyond that .
24 The pain which is manifest in all the muscles and sinews of the body … does not express itself with any violence either in the face or in the position as a whole .
25 By this time Dinah was exhausted and desperate ; she could not drag herself round any more managers ’ offices today , they would look at her and see a bedraggled young woman who must be as bad as the papers said .
26 It is a friendly act of mutual benefit to the two animals involved , since they can not groom themselves in this region .
27 In families that did not indulge themselves in this way a healthier climate prevailed ; children do not seem to have been unduly obsessed with death .
28 ‘ You must not reproach yourself at any time .
29 Wordsworth 's was a face which did not assign itself to any class .
30 Furthermore , it recognized that because it could not supply such high quality weaponry as the United States , and because communism did not commend itself to most Arab regimes , the Soviet-Arab bond was bound to remain weaker than the American-Israeli one .
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