Example sentences of "[not/n't] [vb infin] [art] great [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Teller went to extreme lengths to rescue Part I , but in the words of Robert Oppenheimer , ‘ The programme we had in 1949 was a tortured thing that did not make a great deal of technical sense .
2 ‘ While any loss of business is not good for us , it would certainly not make a great deal of difference , ’ he added .
3 In practice it probably did not make a great deal of difference to either party whether or not leases existed , unless or until a serious dispute between them arose .
4 ‘ A contract does not make a great deal of difference .
5 ‘ I did not make a great job of that , did I ? ’ he asked .
6 He did not make a great impact beyond his own office .
7 Pridmore did not survive the Great War .
8 This list does not include the great number of Indians who remained anonymous … .
9 ‘ He did not know a great deal about navigation , although he had enough fuel to get to France , but all he had with him was a holdall with a spare pair of shoes , a sandwich and a sports diary with a map of the world in it . ’
10 I do not know a great deal about the Labour party 0898 line , but I know that the complaints that I have made for many years to the Minister and his predecessors have been not about Neil Kinnock but about the serious pornographic messages that I believe have contributed significantly to the crimes of violence against women that take place outside on the streets .
11 There is , in theory , no reason why the state should not collect a great deal more tax than it does .
12 You will not do a great deal of good if you do nothing from Monday to Saturday and then run five miles on Sunday .
13 Temporary advisers , especially those with a secure job to which they can return , need not feel a great sense of responsibility .
14 Other mags I 've looked at give this centrefold pull-out picture , yet their books do not give the great info like yours .
15 But , they did not report a great variability in theintensity of nuclear staining .
16 I lifted Harry until he was sitting on the walkway and then , still gripping him tightly , wriggled up beside him so that we were both sitting there with our heads wholly above water , which may not sound a great advance but which was probably the difference between life and death .
17 On this occasion , in fact , a reply of sorts did occur to me as I stood up there on the ladder ; a reply to the effect that those of our profession , although we did not see a great deal of the country in the sense of touring the countryside and visiting picturesque sites , did actually see more of England than most , placed as we were in houses where the greatest ladies and gentlemen of the land gathered .
18 You may not see a great deal of your creative team — many agencies take the quite reasonable view that the creative people should be busy making advertisements , not chatting up clients , and in one or two like Collett Dickinson & Pearce , the creative department holds itself superior and aloof and deals with clients only through its emissaries , the account executives .
19 As it happens , my right hon. Friend the Chancellor devoted most of his speech to doing precisely that , but I did not detect a great deal of interest on the Opposition Benches in what he had to say .
20 These basic proposals for the development of the hotel need not cost a great deal : Outside signage £2,000 medium term External planting £500 long term External furniture £1,500 short term Reception lighting £300 short term afé facility £2,500 long term Restaurant development £1,000 medium term
21 Our piloting suggests that there is very little information here which could not be filled in out of the heads of appropriate teachers on these courses , so filling in the questionnaire should not cost a great deal of time for each person .
22 ‘ Its development , ’ says Holyoak , ‘ would not necessitate the great cataclysm of demolition ; the plan is designed so that parts of it can be built independently in phases . ’
23 Those who complain about such evil seduction usually do not have a great experience of the real world which existed long before TV and continued alongside it , sometimes being reflected by it , but always more horrific than TV .
24 They would not have a great choice of subjects in their fourth and fifth years .
25 Pest Control Division did not have a great start to 1991 .
26 The right hon. Member for Worcester has said in characteristically self-deprecating phrases that he does not have a great desire to be remembered but I am sure that , given his record , he will take it as an accolade to be thought of , in H. L. Mencken 's happy phrase , as a politician who could sit on the fence and have both ears to the ground at the same time .
27 However , many carers may not have a great deal of energy left over for campaigning , and may simply want to go along to the group for support , advice and a break from usual responsibilities .
28 Most of these in themselves do not have a great deal of interest to offer the tourist .
29 Marx , although he did not have a great deal to say about the movement of individuals between classes , did on several occasions note the possible effects of such movement .
30 Laura was greatly amused by Hockney but the pair did not have a great deal to say to one another .
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