Example sentences of "[not/n't] [vb infin] [verb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 You 'll not want to take the little green job , the traffic 's awful in the middle .
2 But it was the only one available , since Jarvis did not want to let the other rooms on the second floor .
3 He said his was perhaps an ‘ old-fashioned ’ view — that he did not want to see the entire world addicted to drugs , like the synthetic existence described in Brave New World — but it was an enormous leap , he thought , from ‘ smoking a little grass to that grim picture ’ .
4 Anyway , the point is this that I am going to say as far as I 'm concerned I 'm gon na put all my maximum ability in making sure that this government stands by its obligation which it gave me when I wrote to the Prime Minister because I was very very concerned that I did not want to see the old people and pensioners who was having difficulty in making ends meet , suffer further and therefore I am with you when it comes to concerning yourself in relation to the O A P's or the pensioners or any one who is suffering because of the s seventeen and o half percent , the maximum is put on .
5 No inhumanely produced veal need be eaten in this country if consumers say that they do not want to touch the filthy stuff .
6 I did not want to mirror the face-value language , the physiognomy of the architecture .
7 Dej and his colleagues did not want to remain the poor peasant cousins of the other Communist states which were going off along the high road to communism .
8 I do not want to disappoint the hon. Member for Eastbourne , but the chances of a local income tax are nil , because his party does not have a cat in hell 's chance of ever being returned to government .
9 The reason for this lenient approach is that the court will not want to undermine the statutory regulations which are often designed to protect workmen from the consequences of their own carelessness .
10 She hardly thought — since it was plain that Naylor would not want to harm the close bond that existed within the family — that he would bluntly tell Travis to leave her alone .
11 Ferranti carried on with the contracts because it did not want to give the purported customers an excuse not to pay back the credit .
12 I do not want to give the wrong impression by quoting that slogan of a well-known Sunday newspaper .
13 THE BRITISH teenager is happy at home and one in three do not want to leave the parental nest ever , according to a survey carried out by The Indy this week .
14 Opposition Members can fully understand why Conservative Members do not want to ask the Prime Minister questions about Government policy , but can you confirm that the purpose and function of Prime Minister 's Question Time is to ask the Prime Minister questions about the performance of his Government ?
15 They did not want to play the great power ’ game any longer .
16 While you will not want to overstate the coercive nature of a witness summons or subpoena you must be clear about the consequences of non-attendance .
17 The Chancellor has evidently made it clear to Moscow that West Germany respects East Germany 's existence as a separate state , that it does not want to alter the present military set-up of Nato and the Warsaw Pact , and that although it aims to overcome the division of Europe , this does not also apply to the political division of Germany — at least for the foreseeable future .
18 Purchasers may buy clinical care but will not want to pay the extra costs attributable to research .
19 Sir Hugo Mallinger , in life as in architecture , does not want to reproduce the old , but his house is specifically contrasted with Grandcourt 's Diplow , ‘ a comparatively landless place which had come into the family from a rich lawyer on the female side who wore the perruque of the Restoration ’ .
20 The real interview may run a very different course from the one you anticipated , and you do not want to develop the subconscious belief that it can only go one way .
21 The right hon. Gentleman did not provide time for such a debate because he did not want to embarrass the Tory party so close to a general election .
22 You do not want to run the appreciable risk of making a bad mistake before your new career has really started .
23 I do not want to cover the whole subject , this evening ; I shall focus on what I understand to be the thrust of the debate — tackling the causes of crime .
24 The ties between parents and child are strong ; parents may be forced into , rather than willingly accepting of , separation from their children ; when separated , they may not want to make the final break via adoption .
25 Freud thought that the masses were lazy , and did not want to impose the instinctual renunciations necessary for civilization on themselves .
26 He said that he did not mind discussing changes to National Insurance with me , but he did not want to involve the whole Cabinet committee .
27 It may be an absolutely true statement , but it does nothing whatsoever to give any guidance as to the ways in which performance may be improved and merely passes a message down the line that those at the top do not want to know the bad news and would like to dissociate themselves from it .
28 ‘ In hard times people do not want to read the sex-and-shopping novels of the Eighties , ’ explained Kate Paterson , an editor with Century publishing .
29 ‘ We do not want to bypass the elected representatives , but they can not be allowed to hold up progress .
30 A species is a population of interbreeding individuals ; more precisely , because we do not want to regard the blue tits on the Isle of Wight as belonging to a different species to those on the mainland , a species is a group of actually or potentially interbreeding populations .
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