Example sentences of "[not/n't] [vb infin] [verb] you [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I would not want to return you to your female progenitor in what , from my briefings on human culture , I perceive to be an indecorous condition . ’
2 ‘ I do not want to share you with anyone at all . ’
3 ‘ I do not want to know you at all , Monsieur Lemarchand , ’ she stated firmly .
4 I can not promise to make you into a world authority on ingredients , but I do hope to share my passion for good food with you , and to inspire you to try a different type of tea or a new way of serving pasta .
5 ‘ Colonel , I do not like to remind you of this , but I saved your son 's life .
6 ‘ Or perhaps I should not have asked you at all . ’
7 I am aware that you are much more concerned in the matter , which I am going to lay before you , than your Mother , yet I should not have troubled you with it , except through her , had it not been of Importance not to lose time .
8 He could not have returned you to England no matter how hard he had tried . ’
9 My grandmother may not have delivered you at all . ’
10 Remember that the vendor may not wish to have you around the house at all , so try to agree a mutually convenient time , starting at , say , 9am or 2pm , which will allow at least three daylight hours for the survey .
11 BELVILLE : I did intend what you call the worst , but if I am master of myself and my own resolution , I find I love you beyond all your sex , and on my honour I will not attempt to force you to anything again .
12 ‘ And I do not intend to entertain you by dressing while you watch . ’
13 It is unwise for us to become close because I can not afford to entertain you in the style to which you are accustomed . ’
14 I would n't want to tip you over the brink . ’
15 ‘ No , I do n't want to put you to any bother . ’
16 ‘ You 've been so kind to me that I do n't want to put you to any trouble . ’
17 ‘ I do n't want to put you to any trouble . ’
18 ‘ I would n't want to put you to any more trouble .
19 I would n't want to put you to any trouble . ’
20 Well let , let , let , let me tell you , I do n't want to put you on the spot , the , the , the analogy is of er the typical pattern of development of a neurosis , which Freud says is a trauma that happens often in infancy .
21 I do n't want to put you in danger . ’
22 It was so useful to have been on the road myself and to have experienced cold-calling , setting up new accounts , or merchandising accounts that did n't want to see you at that particular moment .
23 There ca n't be a man alive who sees you and does n't want to take you to bed , who does n't wonder what you 're like , although some might be able to resist the temptation to try and find out once they realise what you are .
24 And I did n't want to trouble you at work .
25 Mr you see various people are giving evidence , and Mr wants to ask the right person , certain questions , namely the person who er devised those words and er you are er somebody in a very important position er and er he 's trying to get it from you , and as he 's pointed out to you a company ca n't sit down and produce in some corporate way a phrase someone or two human beings or more have got to do it and he wants to know if you can help us er who , who that was , that 's , that 's all you see , he does n't want to ask you about it , no doubt er , er in the same way as he 'd want to ask a person that actually devised a word , d' ya see ?
26 ‘ I did n't want to burden you with this but you 'd soon have wondered why Mackie did n't come . ’
27 But Eve Pearce is magnificently anguished and smothering as Henny ( this is the kind of mother whose ‘ I do n't want to burden you with my problems ’ sounds as convincing as ‘ I am not a crook ’ did when it come from the lips of Richard Nixon ) , and Debora Weston flutters and fences vivaciously as the girlish killer and literary know-all .
28 " I do n't want to burden you with my problems . "
29 But there — I do n't want to burden you with my troubles . ’
30 She knew me as Matt and I did n't want to alert you to who I was until I 'd found out what was going on .
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