Example sentences of "[not/n't] [to-vb] [adv prt] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The answer is not to fall back on the offensive utilisation of a harmless birthday , but to write into constitutions strict regulations about terms of appointment .
2 Companies cluster together anxious not to miss out on the latest developments and the growing pool of scientifically-skilled labour .
3 Chile is Britain 's oldest ally in the Southern Hemisphere … and the Falcons were determined not to miss out on the celebrations to mark the 75th birthday of the Royal Air Force .
4 John had asked her not to go up to the loft .
5 Their parents spent three years contemplating whether or not to go through with the separation , which was at first thought impossible because of the degree to which the girls were joined .
6 I did not like the prospect of playing in front of all these people who were all older than me and would see my violin playing from a critical view , but I had come this far , and it would be stupid not to go through with the audition .
7 Then the buyer lost money because of the Gulf crisis , and the price of land was falling so he chose not to go through with the contract .
8 But Teesside Crown Court was told both brothers changed their minds and tried to persuade McEvoy not to go through with the burglary .
9 ‘ I said you were crazy not to go along with the Corporation 's proposals , did n't I ?
10 ‘ The ambition is certainly not to go along at the existing size , growing by 5 per cent a year .
11 This is a time to go forward with conviction and confidence , not to go back to the failure and bitter controversies of the past .
12 She decided not to go back to the bank , because they would have had to create a special job for her .
13 He agreed not to go back to the house and got a friend to collect some of his belongings .
14 very often find knowing that they 've left voluntarily to have babies and have decided not to go back to the job although the job 's been kept open for them .
15 He looked at her sharply and she realized what she 'd said , but met his gaze determined not to go back on the promise to herself .
16 All the same , she wished she had been stronger in her advice to Nona not to go down by the Cutty Sark .
17 Bowe said : ‘ I thought he was crazy not to go down in the 10th when I was beating up on him .
18 Crewe finished the first half the stronger and were possibly unlucky not to go in with a lead , the Leeds defense was looking fragile ( Fairclough was back at central def. — agghhhh ) , the midfield ( esp .
19 Jochen and Elke warn Fabian not to go out on the streets on 7 October for the 40th anniversary of the formation of East Germany , and for God 's sake not to demonstrate .
20 Police warned that the man — aged between 18 and 30 — could strike again and advised women not to go out on the moor alone after dark .
21 It may be a boundary drawn for the toddler 's safety ( ‘ You are not to go out of the front gate ’ ) ; it may be to do with the teenager 's wellbeing ( ‘ You do an hour 's homework ’ or ‘ You have to tell me who you 're out with and where you 'll be ’ ) .
22 ‘ Lovely bit of weather , ’ said her father , and her mother remarked that she always thought it so silly of them not to go out in the country more when they lived so near to it .
23 This scheme will be used in future for it provides an opportunity for the genuine fan who attends games against less glamorous opposition not to lose out in the real crowd pullers .
24 This young Samoyed will grow up much quicker than his companion , and must be trained not to jump up from the outset .
25 He was unhappy there but , determined not to slip back into the pits where his grandfather had wielded a pick , worked hard and won scholarships both to Jesus College , Oxford , and the University College of Aberystwyth .
26 The decision whether or not to come on to the Tour is not an easy one for a young black pro to take .
27 Even President George Bush told his team not to come back to the USA if they failed to win back the Cup while one British tabloid quoted our own Peter Alliss on how the matches have moved away from the original concept of GB v USA and goodwill through golf .
28 There were visits of this kind at which institutions were told flatly not to come back to the CNAA for validation , for a variety of reasons .
29 The battle of words in a takeover bid for an engineering firm is hotting up — with shareholders being asked not to sell out to a cheap offer .
30 Then she knew that she needed not to sneak out by the convenient back exit , but to leave through the front entrance , trusting its outrageous , ostentatious vulgarity to reassure and comfort her .
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