Example sentences of "[not/n't] [vb pp] him [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 His education had not prepared him for this in any way .
2 Sir Charles , whose practice as a family solicitor in Hertfordshire had not prepared him for this sort of thing , was losing control .
3 I 'd not seen him for six months .
4 She always forgot , when she had not seen him for some time , how he affected her .
5 ‘ I 've not seen him for some time . ’
6 I 've not seen him for twenty years .
7 Police broke in after neighbours had not seen him for several days .
8 Since then , he had returned only when his father was down at the harbour overseeing the refitting of the Russell , staying out all night and sleeping rough , and for the last three days she had not seen him at all .
9 Eden wrote : ‘ After three months without a comment from the Prime Minister ’ ( he had not seen him during this period , which included the ‘ internationalization ’ of the Spanish Civil War ) , ‘ I found this an astonishing doctrine , ’
10 Ramsay had not seen him since that day at Musselburgh when the good Regent Moray died and Seton had been sent off to Fife to try to hamper Balliol 's landing at Kinghorn , a gallant but unsuccessful endeavour in which Seton had been wounded .
11 I have not seen him since this morning . ’
12 I had not seen him since 1982 , but when we met again in his home near Salzburg in March 1988 to record radio and television interviews on the occasion of his 80th birthday he was quite unchanged , as courteous and welcoming as ever and perfectly settled within himself .
13 I usually bump into him every so often on the stairs , in one of the upstairs rooms or in the garden , but I have not seen him in some time .
14 Mitch looked stunned and she felt an incredible burst of guilt that she had not told him about this girl 's problem .
15 The courts have not helped him by sensible pronouncements .
16 On his return to Scotland , Souness chose to live in Edinburgh , a decision that has not endeared him to some of the more primitive members of the Glasgow community .
17 For the life of her she could n't say the expected thing and it hurt with surprising depth that this man had known her father when she herself had not known him at all .
18 If at the end of the specified period , or such longer period as he may allow , they have not satisfied him in one way or the other , the voluntary process ends and he may apply to the court .
19 She saw that he had changed colour , and , always affected by other people 's feelings , she now experienced some of his embarrassment and wished she had not put him in this position .
20 Young Daniel 's death had been as great a tragedy , but had not taken him like this .
21 She had n't coerced him in any way .
22 She had n't missed him at all when he died , but now she realized for the first time that she had lost her father .
23 Mind you , I have n't seen him for sixteen years .
24 I had n't seen him for two months , more than two months .
25 I have n't seen him for two days .
26 ‘ I had n't seen him for six years anyway .
27 " He is , but we have n't seen him for many , many years , for more than we can remember . "
28 I have n't seen him for many years . ’
29 He was quite categorical ; Passmore was there on Friday evening from about seven until closing time , but he had n't seen him for several weeks before then and he has n't seen him since . ’
30 She has n't seen him for 20 years and remembers him as a ‘ nice guy ’ .
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