Example sentences of "[not/n't] [vb pp] [adv prt] in the " in BNC.

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1 The stability of the organochlorines , an advantage in their industrial applications , ensured that they were not broken down in the natural environment .
2 This argument can make little appeal to anyone not caught up in the artifices of philosophy .
3 That is to explain why it is not picked up in the narrative , but it does not explore the more significant matter of the effect of what the compiler has done .
4 A man … ( most of the examples in mathematics textbooks refer to men : women are invisible — a point not picked up in the Cockcroft Report which devotes a whole chapter to why girls perform less well in mathematics than boys do ) … earns £74.50 for a 48 hour week .
5 However , the firm will have to make the prescribed disclosure that all or most of the FSA protections do not apply if ( even though it does not have to do so ) it tells a private customer that it is a member of SFA or is otherwise FSA-authorised ; or ( 2 ) It is carried on with or for customers in the UK , but the FSA 's overseas person exemption would have applied if that non-UK office had been a separate person from the UK office ( see page 40 above and also below ) or , presumably , is outside the territorial scope of the FSA in any event ; or ( 3 ) The business is that of an appointed representative of the firm and is not carried on in the UK .
6 The reform was not carried through in the House but the phrenologists urged or reformers elsewhere and , indirectly , their enthusiasm led on to William Forster 's Education Bill of 1870 which established in Britain the system of elementary schools for all .
7 Consequently exchange rate adjustment to long-run changes in a country 's competitive position was not carried out in the manner visualized by the founding fathers of the system .
8 In addition , cardiac surgery was not carried out in the two districts studied .
9 Unfortunately the Act has not turned out in the way that its progenitors hoped .
10 It 's not part of our culture ; it 's not written up in the history books .
11 It 's not trotted out in the old history books as one of the conferences , or one of the congresses rather .
12 Any suggestion that this level of care is diminishing is not borne out in the findings of numerous studies .
13 On 9 November a Moscow circular from Secretary V. Molotov himself forbade somewhat belatedly the imposition of any local taxes not laid down in the list issued by VTsIK .
14 This showed quite unequivocally that the pattern was not laid down in the egg .
15 This in turn depends on the price of the tickets , the size of the prizes and whether these are taxable or not , all details which are not laid down in the Bill .
16 The next generation which is taking over the reins of industry is a generation who were not brought up in the same milieu that I was brought up in .
17 If there are special risks relating to a particular transaction which are not brought out in the Risk Warning Notice , these must be specifically disclosed .
18 If that right is not set out in the expert clause the agreement of the parties ( and , probably , the agreement of the expert as well ) will be needed for it to become part of the reference .
19 Between the 14th day of September 1987 and the 8th day of January 1988 conspired together and with other persons to defraud such persons who had or might have had an interest in dealing in shares in Blue Arrow , or National Westminster Bank , or in dealing on the Financial Times Stock Exchange 100 share index , namely : 2.1 By dishonestly concealing holdings of 19.39 per cent of the share capital of Blue Arrow ; 2.2 By falsely stating that all remaining shares not taken up in the rights issue by existing shareholders had been sold in the market ; 2.3 By falsely representing that 33,315,528 shares in Blue Arrow held by County NatWest Securities were held for the purposes of market making ; 2.4 By falsely representing that 34,069,433 shares in Blue Arrow held by Phillips & Drew Securities were held for the purposes of market making ; 2.5 By dealing off market with Union Bank of Switzerland in 28,201,743 shares in Blue Arrow when by reason of their connection with that company they were knowingly in possession of un-published price sensitive information ; 2.6 By creating a false instrument , namely a letter of indemnity dated 5 October 1987 from Nicholas Wells on behalf of County NatWest to Union Bank Of Switzerland ; 2.7 By engaging in a course of conduct which created a false or misleading impression as to the market in the shares of Blue Arrow for the purpose of creating such an impression and thereby influencing persons who might deal in those shares ; 2.8 By purchasing and retaining 2,150 Financial Times Stock Exchange 100 share index put option contracts to cover a risk of £51,500,000 whilst concealing from the market the true position in relation to the rights issue and the subsequent placing of shares in Blue Arrow , where Blue Arrow and National Westminster Bank were both component parts of that index .
20 The securities firm acts as an underwriter for a number of various companies ( an underwriter buys all residue shares not taken up in the share issue they have promoted ) .
21 Once you have split bars in position you will find that the command Freeze Panes appears not greyed out in the Options menu .
22 Even if it is not read out in the endless rounds of buying and selling shares , then the message , passive though it might be , should still find its way into the living rooms of a high proportion of homes in the Sheffield region .
23 Aug. 2 , the anniversary of the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait , was marked by a broadcast by Iraqi President Saddam Hussein in which he described the Iraqis as the true victors in the subsequent war , on the grounds that Iraq had not backed down in the face of the enormous odds against it .
24 I think it 's particularly useful as a way of gaining entry to ideas about childhood — what children are for , why to have them — that are n't written about in the official records , that is , in the textbooks of child analysis and child psychology , and in sociological descriptions of childhood .
25 He would never have found out if you had n't shown up in the office .
26 in London B T H or G E C , I remember he told us that the last time you know because he was n't called up in the war he was reserved .
27 Er children are n't brought up in the same maternal way as they are in in this country , and many other countries .
28 Although I was n't brought up in the Jewish faith — my mother would n't hear of it — he still passed on to me all those standards that were part of his own upbringing and would never tolerate what he from time to time described as my ‘ unacceptable behaviour ’ .
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