Example sentences of "[not/n't] [vb pp] [prep] a day " in BNC.

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1 After all , earth was not made in a day and there is always scope for a second project once the first has been completed and shown to be a success .
2 He had not shaved for a day or two , and there was fair stubble on his cheeks and jaw .
3 The Students ' Union had supported the strike , and its members had not complained about a day 's holiday from lectures .
4 The last one 's meat had run out the previous day and if the new one 's meat was not salted within a day or two , there would be no pork or bacon for at least a month .
5 In the book I found a Spanish proverb that runs , No se ganó Zamora en una hora — ‘ Zamora is n't reached in an hour ’ , which is the equivalent of our ‘ Rome was n't built in a day ’ .
6 But they 've got to realise that Rome was n't built in a day !
7 Rome , he well knows , was n't built in a day .
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