Example sentences of "[not/n't] [vb pp] [pron] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 This can be seen in : ( 211 ) Have I not bidden you never to look upon the face of woman ?
2 He felt angered that he had not been told ; that Hal had not trusted him enough to tell him .
3 Turning to the consumer 's view of these conditions , a customer who buys from a " never knowingly undersold " ( or , indeed , any ) source presumably would benefit from occasionally looking elsewhere to police the claim ( though there is a free-rider problem here — if the price reduction becomes general once any one consumer has complained , why not let someone else do it ? ) .
4 I 've not seen them lately have you ?
5 It is legislation in an area in which Parliament itself has not thought it right to legislate and thus , in my view , it steps outside the judicial function .
6 Did he mean to let Ned know that he had not found her up to scratch and then , after so much humiliation , deliver her over to the Dallams ?
7 You 've not left anything upstairs have you ?
8 He had put in an appearance , perforce , at the ceremony at the Tower , to appoint his proctors , but returned to Chester as soon as he decently could , and had not left it again to come to the council at his own manor of Kennington , sending only one of his esquires with a report on the situation — admittedly an admirably full and expert report — to lay before the assembly .
9 The Villa Fiesole was a fairly big house and yet it had not taken him long to find the box .
10 It had not taken her long to realise that here was a vindictive old villain , bent on making her life as miserable as he possibly could .
11 It had not taken her long to discover the team 's skills ran to more than mere mountaineering .
12 You 've not thrown them away have you ?
13 You can stand , and if you 're not elected you simply go back to your old job .
14 Now I 've not mentioned this not totally creditable episode in Milton 's life , I 've not mentioned it simply to make him unlikeable to you , but to go on and say that the kind of egoism which issues in this way in his life issues in a rather different way in his worth .
15 Not paid you yet mind .
16 Although Reagan 's knowledge of foreign affairs was non-existent , to the point where if he was not prompted he often had no idea which country he was talking about , he needed little convincing by the American intelligence agencies that now was the time for America to start waging a secret war against its enemies .
17 Erm , I found out today , that I did n't realise she 'd actually passed a c , a beautician 's course , so I do n't know why she 's taught me out of all , has n't taught me how to go on .
18 At least I have n't taught him how to masturbate , like some mothers .
19 They have n't stopped it yet have they ?
20 fell Thursday night , she got up to go to toilet during night and fell , Michael was sleeping there fortunately cos he 's working in Yorkshire and she got a pain on her elbow anyway in the morning , so he took her to hospital and she 'd fractured and they operated on her , same day , two hour operation , I have n't heard anything yet have we , we rang
21 I have n't heard it yet have I .
22 Cos your multiplying by X go on you have n't cancelled it yet go on .
23 He had n't decided what exactly to do .
24 He admits to being a little bit partial to the cakes he makes , but as Cyril says , it has n't done him much harm , has it ?
25 It has n't done anyone any favours . ’
26 ‘ He has n't done anyone any favours and I 'll be talking to him about it .
27 It 's sad , is n't it ? … that people 's heroes are just a bunch of pansies who get paid extortionate amounts of money for kicking in a poor ball who has n't done anyone any harm !
28 a proper one , hi Holly , alright love , so I went , left it and then I went called back last night after college and he said oh I have n't done it yet come on he said we 'll whiz it on the band saw , put it on the band saw and he 'd taken two nails out that you could n't see you know the , the old stamped cast iron ones , the ends had snapped off
29 What does he , be getting it again , but he has n't done it yet has he ?
30 We have n't done it yet have we .
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