Example sentences of "[not/n't] [adv] [vb pp] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He said Durham and Darlington councils had not properly consulted the bus companies about speed restrictions and had failed to consider all the alternatives .
2 He has not properly investigated the target 's dining facilities .
3 ( Incidentally if the number 30 031 has no special significance for you , I think I can safely claim that you have not properly settled the conjecture following 1.3.10 . )
4 It is perhaps not widely appreciated the effect deforestation can have on a country like Ethiopia .
5 To those who believed that he had not rigorously demonstrated the earth 's motion , it would look as if he had condemned himself .
6 Gillray had not suddenly discovered the munificence of the English monarch nor the seriousness of his heir .
7 For some reason they had not much liked the look of this pub , called the Fir Tree , and though he had slowed a bit as they came to it , they had not stopped .
8 He had not much enjoyed the campaign , and whether because of this or of the result , he had to go immediately on a two-day walk from Kingham to Oxford to purge himself of his ‘ humours ’ .
9 If a proper return is not so delivered the company is guilty of an offence and liable to a fine and a daily default fine so long as the contravention continues .
10 This corporate approach as well as the " steady state " requirements of the NHSME in the first year of contracting not only affected the district 's attitudes to its own providers but also what they hoped to achieve from the changes .
11 They had not only forfeited the right to a political vote .
12 The modern practice of flailing the remaining hedges with crude machinery has not only destroyed the possibility of such views , but has also led to a considerable reduction of bird and animal life The landscape is much poorer both visually and in content than it was thirty years ago .
13 As she outlines in her chapter of Passion entitled Mapping : Blackwomen Artists 1980–90 , she not only created the ground plan of contemporary Black Art in Britain but also curated such essential exhibitions as 5 Black Women at the Africa Centre and Black Woman Time Now .
14 He not only created the material world but also , like a divine watchmaker , set it going by an initial injection of motion , and kept it going by occasional adjustments .
15 This failure to respond appropriately not only called the government 's good faith into question , opening the way to all kinds of lurid speculation about its actions and motives , but further victimized Pan Am .
16 She has not only suffered the anguish of over a quarter of a century of separation from her husband , but has also experienced unending persecution at the hands of the regime , such as banishment , Imprisonment , torture and sustained harassment over a period of more than two decades .
17 And the soldiers muttered to one another as they limped and splashed back towards England that the black friars had not only sent the terror , but withdrawn it from them as soon as they turned back , and the devil their master could call it up again in an instant if they so much as looked over their shoulders .
18 The Convention not only transferred the Crown to William and Mary , but also laid down certain terms for the new rulers in the document known as the Declaration of Rights , and if the offer of the Crown was not strictly speaking conditional upon William and Mary 's acceptance of these terms , it was clear that everyone expected that they were to abide by them .
19 It must never be lost sight of that the objective of an R&D project is not only met the target performance specification but , equally importantly , to produce and prove a design that can be manufactured efficiently and exploited profitably .
20 Gloucester had not only ended the division within the Neville family but , through his relationship with Northumberland , had called a halt to the long-standing hostility of Neville and Percy .
21 Gloucester had not only ended the division within the Neville family but , through his relationship with Northumberland , had called a halt to the long-standing hostility of Neville and Percy .
22 It seemed to me that the hot compresses had not only prevented the pain , but had done so because there must be living matter there which was capable of being alleviated by pain .
23 Indeed , it would certainly fall out were it not for the fact that the bird has not only glued the nest to the leaf , but the egg to the nest .
24 This in his opinion , as well as in the opinion of many others in the literature , has led to the use of inappropriate methods of assessment which have not only distorted the character of what is taught , but also of the way it has been taught .
25 Newark 's newly-completed aircraft exhibition hall has not only transformed the Museum , but shows the way for others .
26 One MP had consistently not only drawn the raffle but won it , pocketing the prizes which included , said one shocked party member , ‘ a Wedgwood vase ’ .
27 Preservation , it was claimed , had not only jeopardized the market 's move to Docklands but even the survival of the fishing industry of Great Britain !
28 1966 not only marked the year in which manufacturing employment began to fall nationally ; it also marked a year of significant spatial change .
29 The General Statute was perplexing enough , but the local statutes not only divided the empire west of the Urals into four broad areas — Russia , Ukraine east of the Dnieper , Ukraine west of the Dnieper , and the north-western provinces ( although even this is an over-simplification ) — but also subdivided the four areas into zones ( by type and profitability of economic activity ) .
30 During the twentieth century , married couples have not only reduced the size of their families , they have also completed their families much earlier in the marriage .
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