Example sentences of "[not/n't] [adv] [vb pp] [art] same " in BNC.

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1 This view has been more manifest in the United States than in this country , although we have not entirely escaped the same phenomenon .
2 In other words , there was something inevitable in this decline — although it must be noted that other industrialized nations , such as the United States , at a similar stage in their economic development have not necessarily followed the same pattern of development .
3 What we should remember , however , is that workers have not always had the same kinds of experiences I have just described and have , consequently , been able to hold on to a sense of political relatedness between themselves as individuals and groups vis-à-vis society and the industrial enterprises within it .
4 You see I 've not really got the same trouble with English , because well English is a written thing is n't it ,
5 You know they had n't even matched the same bloody type of car .
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