Example sentences of "[not/n't] [adv] [det] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 Like many consumed by a powerful love , he has been searching since not so much for a replacement as an alternative .
2 Not so much for the platform speakers , who have arrived , but for some of the floor speakers , who have n't and would like to .
3 It was this western part of Czechoslovakia that Hitler was so keen to get his hands on ; not so much for the Pilsener lagers , but for the Skoda machine plants and the iron and coal resources of Western Bohemia .
4 The 1958 war is remembered now not so much for the vicious sectarian battles that occurred in Beirut but for the arrival of the US Marines , who stormed ashore only to find the beaches occupied not by militiamen but by bikini-clad ladies and street urchins who were merely waiting to sell Coca-Cola to the country 's latest rescuers .
5 The ladies ' K4 was significant not so much for the Germans and Hungarians in the first two places but for the Chinese who took the bronze , their first ever World medal .
6 He adores feeding , not so much for the food , but for the sucking experience .
7 There is n't so much for the expenses and so on , so , they 're gon na sort of start grumbling
8 ‘ What was that you were saying yesterday morning when you looked like death warmed up ? ’ he yelled , ‘ never a bloody 'gain , you said Tommy Handley could n't best that for a joke . ’
9 And then , you can always take out the extra insurance with er , no but it is n't very much for a tumble-drier , for five years and there 's no problems that way .
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