Example sentences of "[not/n't] [adv] [verb] [adv prt] the " in BNC.

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1 We have not successfully rolled back the frontiers of the state in Britain , only to see them reimposed at a European level , with a European superstate exercising a new dominance from Brussels .
2 On Aug. 9 Cuomo stated that Bush could be defeated by an aggressive campaign which focused on domestic issues , but suggested that he was not interested in seeking the nomination , although he did not entirely rule out the possibility .
3 But the Anglicans , like the Lutherans , did not suddenly give up the composition of Latin texts .
4 The first stage , it should be noted , does not necessarily rule out the possibility of ontological pluralism , unless it explicitly includes the thesis of independence of substance ; it merely involves a rejection of the view that properties and relations are two mutually separate and incommensurable categories , with relations allegedly being purely extrinsic " to ( and hence making no difference to the essential nature of ) their terms .
5 It can be extremely frustrating for people who have to travel to London and face the expense of preparing a case — sometimes employing parliamentary counsel to put their case — knowing that decisions are not necessarily taken on the merits of the arguments but on political considerations .
6 Chilled though she was by the bleakness of his voice , it was not enough to damp down the new life in her head .
7 These days it 's not enough to send out the invite and hope they reply .
8 This incident was an isolated one , but it served to highlight the overlap between the possible measures of performance that had been considered ; an undetected error not only slowed down the payment of the expenses , but could also have bought into question the honesty of the individual and thus affected the status of the section head .
9 There should be time not only to carry out the patient care but also to discuss and evaluate it .
10 The researchers have therefore not only separated out the effects of gluons from those due to quarks , but have also learned something about the still little understood way in which these building blocks turn into conventional particles .
11 ‘ The policy of peaceful coexistence … does not only hold back the revolutionary struggle , but promotes its upsurge … the might of the Soviet Union serves as a decisive obstacle in the way of imperialist plans for unleashing a new world war . ’
12 I was able not only to point out the inconsistencies of the so-called ‘ voluntary agreements ’ but also to the confusion in the ranks of the tobacco industry .
13 And David in , that psalm which we read earlier , in psalm twenty three , he paints the picture of how the good shepherd , not only seeks out the lost sheep but once he has brought him back , once he has rescued the , a lost sheep , he care for it .
14 During the past two days we have heard a vast number of contributions and I pay tribute to the common sense and foresight of Labour Members who have not only pointed out the inequalities of the system that is still in being but the pitfalls that we see ahead of us .
15 When I checked up on his progress I was startled to find that he had not only planted up the four pots but his red wellington boots as well , liberally watering both them and himself and then garnishing with sprigs of a semi-dormant fuchsia as a finishing touch .
16 The students not only tore down the separate ‘ Ladies ’ and ‘ Gentlemen ’ notices from the lavatories … but they even painted out the distinction between first floor and second , between second and third and so on : even purely functional classifications of space had to go , just as the watches and clocks had to be discarded in order to free time .
17 This one ( above ) not only switched on the movie camera but ate the rubber eyepiece !
18 He argues that the arrival and conquests of the Spanish not only brought about the destruction of a sophisticated culture but also had a ruinous effect on the environment .
19 Thus the same researcher not only carries out the basic work on a new product but — equally important — is out in the market-place looking for and trying to solve customer problems .
20 A sociology of the unconscious would not only point out the unintended consequences of social action , where these are grasped and comprehended in terms of conscious intentions which are then misunderstood , or reinterpreted , by other groups within the social relationships , and which result in outcomes which neither the original intender nor the others could have foreseen .
21 The country was conquered by the Afghans but by the middle of the century the Persians had not only thrown out the Afghans but also marched through the Khyber Pass and captured India .
22 We have not only taken on the status of the older generation , we are beginning to look and behave that way too .
23 A plan like this not only shows up the priority areas and assists a sensible organisation of the workload ; it also shows where effort should be concentrated and helps in the measurement of success .
24 The blue top and bottom trims not only set off the looks of the tank , but also obviate the need for a layer of polystyrene under the tank .
25 If you read again the sections covered by the mnemonic MACRO , you will appreciate that the best effects are produced when you do not merely soak up the words of the textbook author , like some print-absorbing sponge .
26 But the NDC has not merely turfed out the CPL 's complaint with the milk and the cat .
27 This had not been appreciated by the defendants ' chairman who had considered the advertisement for some 5 to 10 minutes before approving it , but who had not sufficiently thought through the implications of it .
28 It requires considerable commitment by already hard-pressed teachers , and considerable organizational skill by the management team , to ensure that such issues are truly taken on board , and do not somehow fall down the cracks between more clearly defined and familiar roles .
29 Not just patching up the old broken down life and saying something like this , from now onwards I 'm gon na go to church , I 'm gon na read my bi , I 'm gon na be a Christian !
30 The inspiring influence behind an automatic promotion triumph is determined Boro will not just make up the numbers in the top flight .
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