Example sentences of "[not/n't] [pers pn] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Should not we as a practical matter offer them the facilities of Burghfield and Dounreay to do something about the beryllium and other toxic compounds which are doubtless leaking from ill-maintained equipment ?
2 Caroline Fairley , wife of Lt-Commander The Honourable Charles Fairley , RN , had apparently lost control of a car that was not hers on a small country road in Oxfordshire and crashed into a tree .
3 Is n't she like a little sister to him ? "
4 You did go to sleep did n't you for a long time ?
5 You , you , you have two do n't you for a sub base or just , you just have one do ya ?
6 ‘ Are n't you on the council-house waiting list then ? ’
7 It 's , I , I mean these , these , the work with , with the original action network seems to , seems to come and go , you 've got a very large amount at one point and then nothing for sometime , it just depends er , I think which country they 're targeting and how much there is , because we had quite a lot on Malawi did n't we during the early part on last year not much on South Africa recently , as if they do n't quite know what to do , you know with the situation there it 's not quite er clarified .
8 In the presentation you get people up front and they talk at ya do n't they for a few minutes , try and keep it interesting etcetera etcetera .
9 They 'll restock wo n't they in the new year ?
10 You 've got to make it the beginning and the end see what comes up looked it up or anything , thought erm he 's showing her what the younger generation , you know , are erm treating each other is n't he in a romantic way erm there 's not much romantic practice in the older generation is there , a bit more affection based on intimate knowledge of each other that sort of thing .
11 ‘ Is n't he in the right place for it ?
12 Is n't he in the British Government or something ? ’
13 It 's exciting though when you get deep snow is n't it for a little while , yes ?
14 Hm yes it 's better is n't it for the extra
15 But was n't it for the best that his son be separated from Jennifer ?
16 it will be , it will be nice to get there sort of before it gets dark would n't it on the other side ?
17 I du n no it was about to shut was n't it at the same time and it it was like well it 's worth gon na get them .
18 Now , incorporated in these charges there 's a litter collection , so if litter is dumped on District Council ground , but they wo n't it at the Scottish Homes land , then the owner have to pay for this service .
19 Was n't it in the first cousin of just this sort of place that two centuries earlier another wandering fiddler , the blind poet Raftery , had composed his famous lament about ‘ playing music to empty pockets ’ ?
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