Example sentences of "[not/n't] [adj] to make [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Basically our belief is that it is not possible to make a profit .
2 Because of this it is not possible to make a distinction based on the difference between wholesale and retail sales .
3 But these systems are rogues because they do not convert the NTSC signal into PAL , so it is not possible to make a PAL copy of an NTSC original .
4 It is not possible to make the transition to a market economy overnight .
5 Would he care to address the fact that because these orders are being taken separately for Wales and England it is not possible to make the quota applicable in the same way in the same parts of the United Kingdom .
6 Thereafter we carried on with the hearing of the argument on whether Thorpe J. was or was not right to make the order which he did in the different circumstances which then existed and as to the more general issues raised by this appeal .
7 While most people strongly condemn the drugs traffickers , critics point to the recent drive by international markets to drive down the price of coffee , Colombia 's main export — and to the continuing drain of resources into debt payments to Western banks — as evidence that the international community is not willing to make the kind of sacrifices needed to confront the social and economic roots of Latin America 's drug problem .
8 However , at that time they were not prepared to make the road available .
9 Boys of 15 are not accustomed to make the lives of odd boys happy .
10 The company is not likely to make a profit either in the second half of this year or next year .
11 But this kind of retrofitting can cost up to half the value of a building , and owners are not likely to make the investment .
12 ‘ It 's not lucky to make a will .
13 ‘ Where the proceedings are between the parents , both of whom are acting bona fide in the interests of the child , it is not uncommon to make no order as to costs of the proceedings .
14 A Hollywood studio decided it was not safe to make a picture about the peacemaker , Hiawatha , because ‘ It might be regarded as a message for peace and therefore helpful to Communist designs ’ .
15 Scotland coach Allan Hosie said the Pacific tour had been a great success considering eight Scots were on the British Lions tour and other players were not able to make the trip .
16 Most haulage contractors are not able to make the economies of scale which are necessary to make general haulage profitable , and their obvious need is to specialize .
18 ’ We 're not able to make an arrest unless we actually see the act of theft .
19 It was a theory originally popularized by the German realists who were not slow to make the connection between a natural-entity theory of the corporation and a theory of the state .
20 Those not inclined to make the detour to see the Casa Litta will content themselves with turning right earlier , into Via Durini .
21 This is partly because of their ephemeral nature and partly because disclosure would often reveal either that very sensitive subjects were under consideration or that we had something in train about which we were not ready to make an announcement .
22 Their Lordships are unable to agree with the Court of Appeal that the judge was not entitled to make a finding that it was a material fact that the Perot family were interested in buying Vertigo as well as Caliban .
23 If in the judgment of the police authorities , formed reasonably and in good faith , the garrison was necessary for the protection of life and property , then they were not entitled to make a charge for it , for that would be to exact a payment for the performance of a duty which they clearly owed to the appellants and their servants ; but if they thought the garrison a superfluity and only acceded to Mr. James 's request with a view to meeting his wishes , then in my opinion they were entitled to treat the garrison duty as special duty and to charge for it … … .
24 Accordingly , the taxpayer was not entitled to make an election under s 72(4) .
25 DEC quit looking for an Alpha RISC second source when it became apparent foundries were n't willing to make the kind of investment needed without knowing whether the thing was really going to take off , says Electronic News .
26 It was n't easy to make a show with such diverse voices pull together and some of what I wrote did n't fit in ( I kept it for The Pie of Damocles later that year though ) .
27 ‘ It was n't easy to make a fitting with her in LA and me in Paris , ’ says the designer , though at Christmas Madonna found time to visit him in Paris , where she spent her time ‘ jogging and pumping iron ’ .
28 Spilling the knots from one 's entrails out onto paper is n't likely to make a poem or story that others will want to read , but many writers do have to go through the ‘ spilling ’ process in order to know just what it is they have to hammer into shape .
29 I was n't able to make a choice based upon being fully informed .
30 But I was the Annie character — you know — if you were a good girl you 'd be rewarded , and it is n't nice to make a fuss . ’
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