Example sentences of "[not/n't] [adv] for the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I have great sympathy with the needs of village schools but at the end ofg the day we have to consider the needs of the children and I have no doubt in my mind that trying to open a school in Brockweir is simply not on for the children .
2 I suspect it is not entirely for the good .
3 A substantial amount of prospecting may have been undertaken in some of the areas , but not necessarily for the deposit styles mentioned above .
4 Erm , I think at the back of some people 's minds there was this pressure , you know that 's why a few did return to work and I mean I can understand some of them returning to work but not necessarily for the reasons they 've stated .
5 Actually utilise our space not necessarily for the public which obviously is difficult to get to the disabled people etc but using it for something like that .
6 There is a growing number of course in higher education with a language component but — apart from the law degrees — not enough for the service professions and vocations .
7 But this is not enough for the likes of Coventry , who are prominent among the complainers .
8 ‘ It is not enough for the Secretary of State to wash his hands in this Pontius Pilate way and say he has no responsibility for what is happening . ’
9 Mizar itself is a splendid telescopic double , with rather unequal components , but the separation ( 14.5 seconds of arc ) is not enough for the pair to be split with binoculars .
10 This decision , coupled with Bank of Montreal v. Stuart [ 1911 ] A.C. 120 appears to apply an equitable principle that , in circumstances of influence or likely influence of the debtor husband over the surety wife , it is not enough for the creditor to show that the surety understood the import of the security document ; the surety must , in addition , have independent legal advice .
11 An unexpressed term can be implied if and only if the court finds that the parties must have intended that term to form part of their contract : it is not enough for the court to find that such a term would have been adopted by the parties as reasonable men if it had been suggested to them .
12 Evans listed 135 hieroglyphic signs ; although the total is actually rather greater than this , there are still not enough for the system to have been a purely ideographic one , with one sign for each idea .
13 It is not enough for the Minister to pass the buck to the chief inspector of constabulary .
14 And if the first batch of 700 pigs is not enough for the test , the Bonn defence ministry has earmarked a budget of £77,000 to buy more of the live targets .
15 But the scholarship was worth only £100 and , though his school plundered its scarce resources to add £20 , it was not enough for the boy to support himself at Cambridge .
16 It is not enough for the Commission merely to show that the merger will create or strengthen such a market position if the maintenance or development of effective competition would not be likely to be impaired .
17 In Libya the peace which flowed from state justice , impersonal , universal , was not enough for the Zuwaya : they added to it peaces of their own manufacture , tailored to the social personalities involved in particular breaches of the peace , guaranteed by specific and contingent undertakings made between Muslims .
18 It is not enough for the defendant to show that he was aware of the contents of what he was distributing or publishing , but did not himself think that it was insulting if the jury or magistrate should come to the conclusion that he suspected or had grounds to suspect otherwise .
19 1.58 It is not enough for the defendant to argue that he denies liability or denies a conviction in his defence ; he must also show that his grounds for doing so are sufficiently strong to put the plaintiff at risk of either complete or substantial failure at trial or that , on the face of it , the plaintiff 's claim is not worth very much even on full liability .
20 This qualification is important : it was not enough for the testator to have a general intention that certain property should pass to a certain person .
21 We acknowledge that human wisdom alone is not enough for the perplexities of these days .
22 Marx maintained that the human consciousness which could project this refracted religious self-image must be a ‘ false consciousness ’ , profoundly alienated from itself ; that it had been brought into this state by the development of divisions within human society between the different social and economic classes ; that religion served in that situation as an ‘ ideology ’ , a system of beliefs functioning to support the established order , and an ‘ opium ’ which would keep the proletariat passive in the face of their oppression and exploitation by diverting their attention and hopes to another world and its promised rewards ; that it was not enough for the philosopher to understand and diagnose this situation , but that he must go on to change it ; and that this involved moving back from Feuerbach 's ‘ critique of heaven ’ to a fresh ‘ critique of earth ’ , of economics , politics and society in general , with the aim of changing the structures of the established order and overcoming the forces of division and alienation which both produced religion and drew support from it .
23 It is not enough for the prosecution to show that some employee of the defendant had that mental state .
24 They were not along for the ride .
25 Not so for the housewife .
26 The conclusions of this study , which were delivered at the end of 1989 , confirmed the widely held view that takeover activity in the Community was operating on a one-way street : while the UK market was open to takeovers , this was not so for the rest of the Community .
27 But not so for the Magyars who had been so praised in 1848 , ‘ an obscure semibarbarous people … still standing in the half-civilization of the sixteenth century ’ .
28 Not so for the bass , however .
29 With Labour welfarism out of fashion , and neo-liberalism in vogue , the scene was set , not only for the downgrading of local authority power ( including the outright abolition of the Greater London Council and the metropolitan authorities which , though actually limited in their spending power , were nevertheless the coordinators and vocal champions of many inner urban schemes ) , but also for the injection of national party dogma into the management of local affairs .
30 Output at this level is optimal not only for the firm , but also for society , because the type and quantity of goods produced will match the demand for them , at least in so far as demand is represented by the willingness and ability of the consumer to pay .
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