Example sentences of "[not/n't] [adv] [vb pp] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 We shall see that employers are key actors within industrial relations and that they possess a considerable margin for defining their own policies which are not wholly determined in response to the actions of unions , or to economic and political pressures .
2 Symptoms were compared with those before treatment and were scored as follows : ( 0 ) no symptoms ; ( 1 ) major symptoms cured , patient pleased with result of treatment ; ( 2 ) some improvement , patient not wholly satisfied with result of treatment ; ( 3 ) no change in symptoms .
3 Despite its easy flow I was nevertheless not wholly convinced by No. 4 .
4 In past centuries , when few statutes were enacted , common law constituted the main body of English law ; today , it has been largely but not wholly displaced by statute law .
5 Although the most commonly used traffic-calming measures , road humps , are governed by statute and are subject to clear regulations , other techniques such as chicanes , road narowing , different road surfaces , shared road surfaces , rumble strips and gateways are not properly covered by legislation .
6 Keyword DEVICE not properly defined in Configuration File
7 Keyword DIRECTORY not properly defined in Configuration File
8 Keyword UIC not properly defined in configuration file
9 Keyword not properly defined in configuration file
10 Keyword not properly defined in configuration file .
11 Keyword not properly defined in configuration file .
12 Further , KPMG alleges in the letter that the control mechanisms that were in place were not properly operated by management , and KPMG 's recommendations for them to be strengthened were accepted but not fully implemented .
13 The maternity grant and the death grant , two benefits initiated in the Beveridge era but not properly updated in line with inflation , were abolished , to be replaced by means test-related benefits for the very poor .
14 Secondly , the techniques , although not widely developed to date , may culminate in the creation of more productive plant and animal crops that could help alleviate food scarcity problems in developing countries by increasing the viability of traditionally based agroecosystems , thus obviating the need for the cultivation of new lands .
15 This did not evoke much response from the audience , because The Times was not widely read by university students .
16 However , assembly is not widely used at present and as more companies develop RISCs it is likely that this architecture will dominate the CISC design in the future .
17 It is not widely used for research outside the military because of the cost of high fidelity simulator time .
18 The differing styles of these articles mean they are not all suited to publication in similar outlets , but it is hoped that unlike past years ' winners we shall see all of them published in some form or other in the coming year .
19 After all , we live our lives for the ability to indulge in pleasurable activities — and believe me , they are not all found at work !
20 This disposable income is not all directed into consumption on goods and services produced by firms in the domestic economy because some portion will be saved and some part will be used to purchase goods and services produced by firms in other countries ( i.e. imports ) .
21 The pattern of adhesion ( diffuse or localised ) was not obviously related to hydrophobicity , although only nine localised isolates were tested .
22 ( This is a goodwill payment , not necessarily based on admission of error ) .
23 The point 's that I think is trying to be made is that there are a lot of people here tonight who do wish to express an opinion and that opinion is not necessarily formulated in question form .
24 But , as so often happens when dealing with the United States , informal agreements reached with Presidents are not necessarily supported by Congress .
25 Marriages , contrary to belief , are not necessarily made in heaven .
26 These are not necessarily created through dance and music .
27 Plenty of questions are obviously relevant , though not necessarily answered without pain : do other people make you nervous ?
28 Making a case for the complexity of woman 's position as spectator , both critics stated that spectators are not necessarily locked into identification with their own gender but are able to take up multiple identifications , whether simultaneously or in succession .
29 Even if they were , they had not necessarily fallen from grace .
30 Research has also shown that level of stress is not necessarily related to willingness to continue caring ( Gilleard , 1984 ) .
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