Example sentences of "[not/n't] [adv] [adv] [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Though not expressly so stated as in the case of criminal appeals where there is a criminal legal aid order , it seems that a civil legal aid certificate will also cover advice on appeal .
2 We are waiting for a new quotation from Eurofighter for their part of the programme erm but in advance of receiving it I 'd not rather not speculate as to which impact it might have on the project .
3 And so we still see separate departmental systems growing up and central I S groups not necessarily well integrated and well in control of this new generation of client server systems .
4 Well actually people in my area do have a concern about this , also though I was brought up in my teens at least within a rural area and I know full well that to hold certain views even those of the majority within rural areas , are not necessarily easily expressed and I have today been told of yet another example of this being the case .
5 Editor , — Martin E Wilkie and colleagues have prepared a comprehensive review on diagnosis and management of urinary tract infection in adults , but they made several statements that are not necessarily firmly established or on which recent views have changed .
6 One of the major functions of education must be to open people 's eyes to the fact that things were at one time different ; that they have evolved to where they are now ; and that they need not necessarily always remain as they are .
7 That a policy may meet the ideal of justice does not necessarily always mean that it is right to adopt it , if in so doing other fundamental values are sacrificed .
8 On the other hand it is not enough simply to say that Libyans were inconsistent because they could not change their ideas fast enough to keep up with their changing society .
9 But it 's not enough just to show that you 're incompatible sexually .
10 Establishing this is extremely difficult ; certainly , it is not enough merely to show that you were desperately short of cash .
11 ‘ there must be something in the nature of a criminal intent of the kind which means that it is done with the idea of some form of hostility to the police with the intention of seeing that what is done is to obstruct , and that it is not enough merely to show that he intended to do what he did and that it did in fact have the result of the police being obstructed . ’
12 It is not perhaps generally realised that this practice began as early as the late seventeenth century and that many of the splendid coloured aquatint books of the nineteenth century first reached the public in this way .
13 In Cheramyes 's great figure the experiments are not perhaps perfectly integrated but show amazing boldness .
14 … the profound darkness of every part of the city in which there are not shops illuminated by the owners with gas … there is not a little country town in England which is not incomparably better lighted than any street in Paris which depends for its illumination upon the public regulations of the City .
15 She had not much further to go and soon she would be safe in her lover 's arms .
16 A chemical breakdown can be achieved by the addition of any readily available nitrogen source such as sulphate of ammonia , or Nitro-chalk , but these soluble salts can inhibit bacterial action and the end-product is not so well balanced and does not produce such good results .
17 The men 's feelings were not so well defined and they were not to be diverted from their search for tea .
18 They 're not so well behaved as they were formerly .
19 Once the product hits the real world it has to cope with users who are not so well behaved or gentle — hence the totally new crop of errors .
20 That Convention is not so narrowly drawn and explicitly provides for dispositive treaties and boundary regimes .
21 But the many complex descriptions of the real social practice of literate and oral modes that are now becoming available suggest that literacy and orality are not so vastly differentiated as these writers claim .
22 Both of these are major considerations in comparing deaf and hearing recall ; unfortunately they are not so easily realised when stimulus material is non-verbal .
23 ‘ Because they 're not so easily roused or so — volatile as you are , darling . ’
24 Already the two short-nose versions in the fleet are earmarked for disposal , probably as spares , because they are not so easily loaded and therefore less saleable .
25 But it is not so generally known and acknowledged that some of them in their day held high positions in the scientific world , nor has sufficient commendation been bestowed upon the whole body for their unselfish zeal in the promotion and encouragement of the study of Natural History , and especially Botany , as an essential element of medical education .
26 The priorities are assessed on the basis of evidence and unfortunately evidence about people is not so readily quantified as evidence about financial and physical resources .
27 The senator had just told me how difficult it was to extract any sense from his son , yet apparently Rickie was not so far gone as the senator had suggested .
28 In the streets , vehicles clattered along on tyreless wheels , with the day not so far of– when even at the front the airforce would be forced to encase plane wheels in wooden clogs when being wheeled from the hangar , just to save precious rubber .
29 It is not so commonly remembered that for him too it was the South African experience of the Boer War and its aftermath from which he emerged ‘ unionist ’ in the Imperial context .
30 As a spin-off of the Channel 4 series of the same name , this book is not so much written as compiled .
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