Example sentences of "[not/n't] [adv] [verb] in [det] " in BNC.

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1 In his 1955–56 Annual Report , at the end of a year when insufficient Terminal courses had been provided to use up all available Ministry grant , he commented that ‘ we may find it increasingly difficult to resist a reduction in the number of tutor-organisers we now employ , let alone claim a further appointment , if additional Terminal courses are not successfully organised in both established and new centres ’ .
2 Nevertheless , there are clear signs of the continued exemption of Hitler from blame and the belief — as it happens not altogether misplaced in this particular case — that he had had nothing to do with the ‘ action ’ and would disapprove of it .
3 The judges in that case would have answered that question quickly in the negative , for obviously other judges were not all agreed in either direction .
4 Names were selected from the practice records on an alphabetical basis ( see Appendix I ) , which , although not strictly speaking a ‘ random ’ method , is not obviously biased in any particular direction .
5 Vacancies advertised by the Unit are not necessarily based in this department .
6 Quinn sees large companies as similar to large rivers slowly moving in given directions , but containing within them various ebbs , flows and eddies which , while they do not necessarily contribute in any direct analytical way to the general direction , nevertheless in aggregate help to determine it .
7 The standard use of Senokot together with behaviour management is not necessarily indicated in all cases .
8 Things are not necessarily done in this order , however , and for good reason .
9 However , expectations of three-cornered comparisons are dashed because the work is arranged in a straightforwardly linear and chronological fashion , and the same issues are not necessarily addressed in each of the three separate discussions on the three rooms .
10 It appears that highly productive authors will not necessarily publish in those journals which have the highest circulation , and which hence are presumed to be those used for those papers which an author wishes to reach the largest possible readership .
11 That employment pattern is not necessarily reflected in many areas these days .
12 It is worth noting that the word " religion " either does not naturally feature in some religions , or is regarded by many religious people with considerable disapproval .
13 PERT was originally developed on a probability basis but is not much used in this way now because of the amount of work involved .
14 PERT was originally developed on a probability basis but is not much used in this way now because of the amount of work involved .
15 Mr Whitney-Long 's evidence on this aspect was unsatisfactory : indeed the weight of his evidence in cross-examination was that they did not so rely in any material way but relied on other matters .
16 When the art bubble burst , prices not only fell in this area , they stopped .
17 An inability to mature adequately out of the phallic , Oedipal phase will usually not only result in some degree of genital inhibition later in life and a fixation on infantile sexual gratifications such as masturbation , voyeurism , sado-masochism , etc. , but also reduce the force of the cultural prohibitions which the original phallic-Oedipal trauma of our forefathers precipitated , namely those against parricide and incest .
18 If you would count yourself as one of them , can I suggest that you reflect on the fact that as Christians we are not only welcome in this home but we belong here .
19 Would the minister like to say , like to welcome that initiative but also to ensure that the money which the South Thames tech are going to be able to put into that will be able to continue and not only continue in that one but to allow the increase of this after school provision so that those many women in my constituency and who , the many women in South London who are unemployed , will have the opportunity to get back to work and get back to training with that very necessary provision for child care .
20 It has not only failed in this , it has opened up a potential new division between private practice and employed lawyers .
21 For those not already helped in this way through other Anonymous Fellowships , Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous or Emotions Anonymous may provide the specific route to recovery .
22 Water can not easily flow in these impermeable rocks .
23 But the pattern of response that is observed is not easily explained in this way : with most patients there is a strong impression that the food itself is directly responsible for the symptoms .
24 The consequence of this is ambiguity , since parallelisms and symmetries of meaning are imposed on sets of words not normally connected in this way in ordinary language .
25 Eva hastened to explain that she did not normally move in such exalted circles .
26 Refusal of an assignment does not normally result in any disadvantage to the casual worker , but frequent refusals , even with good reason , are likely to diminish his chances of having offers made since they put his availability into question .
27 In general the value of formal routines is precisely that the operator , left to himself , will not normally function in such a systematic sequential manner .
28 One can not therefore measure their use or their citation frequency , and the work is not normally published in any form .
29 Schell pulled up nine rattail fish from the Hudson Canyon and found high levels of Americium 241 , a radionuclide not normally found in such fish , in the muscle and skin of three of them .
30 Because the library specialises in the hotel , catering and tourism industries , we tend to hold books , journals , market research reports and videos which you would not normally find in many local libraries or even in your regional library .
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