Example sentences of "[not/n't] [adv] [verb] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In contrast to the earlier stages of the debate , the concern was to make the common curriculum more than the ‘ basics ’ ( something not altogether borne out in their subsequent pronouncements ) .
2 Local authorities can do nothing that is not expressly set out in some Act of Parliament .
3 This hypothesis is largely but not wholly borne out by the empirical evidence .
4 It is held by Moslems to contain all the essentials of their belief , and to be a collection of passages of direct revelation uttered by Mohammed ( although not all written down during his lifetime ) .
5 Such people are not all motivated simply by money , but by an interest in building and in architecture and , like everyone else , they have to live with their creations .
6 Why are engineering , medicine and agriculture not all grouped together as applied sciences ?
7 Schools in the sample were asked to provide pupils with scissors for this test , but it was clear that not all did so for in some classes no one used scissors .
8 there 's women darts , there 's mens darts , and they might not all come in till about nine o'clock , but they are only like , two hours
9 And the Castle was not entirely made up of sadness and shadows .
10 We could not sensibly plan ahead for a doomsday-type catastrophe .
11 But how do we sustain , in prose or verse , a feeling that is intensely personal , not obviously called up by something ‘ on the outside ’ but which seems to be embedded deep within us ?
12 They do not suddenly appear out of nowhere or on the pages of a language textbook — which has much the same effect — but in varying sizes and on varying materials : out of ticket machines , on computer screens , under windscreen wipers , on hoardings .
13 The dramatic shake-ups during those periods do not suddenly appear out of nowhere but should be seen as resulting from the more gradual and less fundamental changes that had been occurring within the old structure 's context over previous decades .
14 However , with the growth in emphasis on the importance of what is called " affective devotion " — that is , experienced , rather than intellectual , knowledge of the faith — meditation came to refer to an exercise not necessarily based directly on Scripture but designed to stir the will by an intense appeal to the emotions through meditations on the manhood of Christ .
15 Naturally , to embark on such a step is not necessarily to succeed immediately in realising it .
16 The use of a particular language does not necessarily coincide either with a group that claims common descent , or a geographical area or what is supposedly a culture .
17 Conservative legislation in 1986 has extended the scope for contracting out , allowing schemes which do not necessarily compete favourably with the state scheme and also reducing the benefits available under SERPS .
18 Skill is demonstrated by persistent and efficient pursuit of an objective and the skill can usually be understood although not necessarily written down with any great precision in terms of a goal and the path towards that goal .
19 However , the exhibition does not necessarily refer back to the previous event , and there is hardly ever a sense of continuing from where the previous exhibition left off .
20 And obviously they have their own priorities , so they do n't necessarily , they 're not necessarily geared up for that .
21 A Rumbelows spokesman said the £10,000 jackpot would not necessarily go straight into the champion 's bank balance .
22 You know that I do not necessarily go along with your concept of visual character in the way that you use it , but would the visual character be altered in a way that would cause a coincidence of greenbelt function were that important hedge not in existence on the north side of D thirty nine ?
23 People in late twentieth-century Britain do not necessarily do less for their relatives than they have done for the past two centuries , nor do they necessarily have a weaker sense of obligation , but they do have to work out the nature of their relationships and the patterns of support associated with them , in circumstances which are very different from the past .
24 It will not necessarily do so in a judicial manner ; a matter with party political implications may well result in voting following party lines .
25 Even so-called ‘ fundamentalists ’ usually insist that although it is an axiom of faith that God really created the world , he did not necessarily do so in a literal six days of twenty-four hours each .
26 Financing of the restoration of 731566 is privately funded at present although the projects can not necessarily rely solely on such means to maintain momentum in the longer term .
27 ‘ A year which would encompass elections with economic significance in both our main areas of investment and , as it turned out , a currency crisis of substantial proportions at home , did not necessarily augur well for our capital performance . ’
28 The reader is always aware that although he knows and mostly likes the people he is writing about , he is not necessarily taken in by their ideas .
29 Obsessionals are very good at dividing up their minds as it were , but they 're not necessarily divided up in the sense of conscious and unconscious .
30 There are a number of international fixed interest unit trusts available , although they do not necessarily specialise entirely in European bonds .
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