Example sentences of "[not/n't] [prep] a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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31 They see urban decay not as a peripheral manifestation nor as a growing pain , but as a chronic condition of social polarization that is becoming firmly entrenched in British society .
32 Eventually , High , it 's editor Geoff Birtles and publishers Greenshires stepped in to buy the title , not as a going concern , but for its subscription list and one presumes , its contacts in the world of international climbing .
33 This means that ‘ organizational assessment is best conceived of not as a one-shot affair , but as an ongoing process ’ ( Miles , 1980 , p. 380 ) .
34 He made her sharply and joyously aware that he wanted her not as a submissive toy , but as a full partner in their lovemaking , sharing the same ardour , the same urgency .
35 She was inspired and strengthened by seeing herself not as a passive victim , or a cancer patient , but as an individual working for her own health and well-being .
36 Not only was there no capping of the excessive expenditure that Labour councils were bound to indulge in , but my right hon. Friend insisted that it should be introduced not as a phased tax but all in one year .
37 Most ancient and medieval writers thought of human life not as a continuous development but instead as punctuated by a number of sudden changes from one ‘ age ’ to the next .
38 It went on to note that many of the most effective schemes had come about through the voluntary sector as a result of individual enterprise or a one person crusade — not as a logical outcome of a strategic planning process .
39 In so doing it also crossed what the Swiss recognise as an ancient cultural frontier which in this part of the country runs not as a straight line but in a curve in clockwise direction , through the Brunig Pass , the centre of the highland massif known as the Napf , and the river Reuss which flows out from the Vierwaldstattersee at Luzern .
40 Cinematic signification again taken generically is further de-differentiated in that it portrays the primary process and sexuality , not as a deep otherness , but as erupting on the very surface of representations .
41 In certain circumstances it may become necessary to seek waivers from the Law Society , as for instance : ( 1 ) where the new office is no more than a consulting room open for restricted periods , when a waiver would normally be granted provided ( a ) the opening hours are sufficiently advertised ; ( b ) during those hours there is always in attendance a person duly qualified to manage or supervise the office and that all correspondence is seen by a partner of the firm ; and ( c ) the business of the consultancy is accounted for centrally and not as a separate business ; or ( 2 ) where the new office is an annexe ( whether housing a separate department or otherwise ) near to the main office , when a waiver could be expected to be granted if ( a ) a common switchboard is used for both main office and annexe ; ( b ) accounts are centralised ; ( c ) correspondence is attended to in the main office ; and ( d ) clients are asked to address correspondence to the main office .
42 The description is saved as part of the worksheet , not as a separate file , so the filename you choose can contain more than the regulation eight letters .
43 Landform inheritance ( e.g. Pain , 1978 ) is therefore a concept emphasized by some researchers in environments of this kind , and Ollier ( 1979 , 1981 ) proposes evolutionary geomorphology not as a cyclic approach with a sequence of stages but suggests that the earth 's landscapes as a whole are evolving through time and this is analogous to the concept of an evolving earth as used in some geology books ( e.g. Windley , 1977 ) .
44 The Karen I had known a few months earlier , a simple , straightforward creature with healthy appetites , had been metamorphosed by my spells into a raving obsessive who regarded the spawning of offspring not as a lowest-common-denominator activity like excretion but as a moral and creative achievement on a par with , say , painting the Sistine Chapel ceiling .
45 They may be summarised as follows : if it appears that facts existed from which a constable could reasonably have anticipated a breach of the peace , as a real and not as a remote possibility , and the constable did in fact anticipate such a breach , he is under a duty to take steps ( whether by arrest or otherwise ) as he reasonably thinks are necessary to prevent the breach of the peace from occurring or , as it may be , from continuing .
46 Thus the WFS data on abstinence in many countries significantly underestimated the prevalence of post-partum abstinence , since most women in these countries observe the custom for health reasons and not as a contraceptive measure .
47 Even when , towards the end of the war , they decided to join the ILP , they embraced socialism , not as a radical break with previous assumptions , but as a natural extension of their pre-war New Liberal commitment to social reform and co-operation with labour .
48 To read them in an historical frame of mind is to see the death of Rassendyll , by an assassin 's bullet , not as a fortunate escape from prolonged misery but as the formal seal on a pact of honour .
49 Rather than remove these reminders of Glasgow 's past , the city 's planners wisely insisted that the facade survived not as a real building but almost as a museum exhibit whose Stones of Venice had appeared two years earlier .
50 In Kober 's pianos the check could only function as a hammer rest and not as a true check because the hammer pointed towards the player .
51 We talked of all we would do when he was strong enough , and I put everything else out of mind and concentrated on being positive and cheerful myself , which was not always easy but I was determined to behave normally and to treat him as a convalescent and not as a sick man .
52 The alternative view sees constitutions not as a conscious creation but rather as an evolutionary consequence made up of ‘ substantive principles to be deduced from a nation 's actual institutions and their development ’ ( McIlwain , ibid . ) .
53 Megill writes not as a literary critic but as a philosophically trained historian of ideas .
54 He repeated the Comintern formula that " the united front can only be built up from below , by the workers themselves , not as a corrupt bargain of the reformist leaders and disorganisers of the struggle endeavouring to buy off the criticism of the revolutionaries , but as the solid class front of the workers " .
55 Looking at contemporary art he discerns ‘ an attempt to reinstate the object not as a tonal equation or as a decorative symbol , but as the thing itself ’ .
56 With hindsight , we know that the visit to Jerusalem ended with Paul in chains , going to Rome with a military escort , not as a free man .
57 This view depends , of course , on seeing the reader , not as a unique individual , a private being , but as a vessel or meeting point for a variety of cultural codes and literary conventions , and it is in these terms and not those of affective experience that reading and readers would have to be discussed : the reader qua reader is as much the product of a ‘ grammar ’ ( however loosely this notion may now be conceived ) as was the text in classical structuralism .
58 Suppose that I have a sudden impulse to settle when I retire in the village where I was born ; but reality breaks in , I recognize that I had better remember it not as a nostalgic vision but as I indeed saw it before experiencing the city , admit to myself that it will have changed beyond recognition , try to anticipate living in it not as I am now but as an old man who no longer easily makes new friends , try to see myself through the villagers ' eyes as already a stranger who may no longer deserve a welcome .
59 But Izzard became convinced that there was a mystery , and she has written her book not as a chronological narrative of Stark 's life , but in the manner of A J A Symons 's great Quest for Corvo , in which the reader is presented with the biographer 's discoveries in the order in which they are made , as if it were a whodunit .
60 And he has made it clear that an all-German election should be held next year at the earliest , not as a quick substitute for the West German one in December .
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