Example sentences of "[not/n't] [verb] that [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If Lord Eldon used any language which could be so interpreted , we must conclude that he either did not guard himself so cautiously as he intended , or that he did not lend that degree of attention to the legal doctrine connected with the case before him , which he was accustomed to afford .
2 If the birds or Australia had not received that degree of attention from the scientific ornithologist which their interest demanded ’ , he wrote in his preface to Mammals of Australia , ‘ I can assert , without fear of contradiction , that its highly curious and interesting Mammals have been still less investigated .
3 As for toilet facilities , I have an earth closet so the lack of water does not affect that side of things .
4 If he is a friend , he has not communicated that fact to any member of the inspectorate .
5 By a notice of appeal dated 12 December 1990 the plaintiffs appealed on the grounds , inter alia , ( 1 ) that the judge erred in law in holding that the first defendant was entitled to add to any security , all the costs charges and expenses , however unreasonable they were ; ( 2 ) the judge failed to follow the decision in In re Adelphi Hotel ( Brighton ) Ltd. [ 1953 ] 1 W.L.R. 955 ; ( 3 ) the judge erred in law in construing the charging covenants of the legal mortgage which were all in similar terms that all costs charges and expenses howsoever incurred by the first defendant or any receiver under or in relation to the mortgage or such indebtedness or liabilities on a full indemnity basis as allowing the first defendant to charge as it pleased however unreasonable such a charge might be ; and ( 4 ) the judge erred in law in not construing that provision as a provision providing for taxation or computation on an indemnity basis of the first defendant 's costs , charges and expenses .
6 Harris peremptorily summoned him to the committee-room after this latter incident and told him : ‘ We do not want that sort of thing at Lord 's , Fender . ’
7 It is certainly not intended that intrusion of any kind should be encouraged into an area of the child 's experience which must be sensitively respected , and this must be kept in mind when reading the section ‘ My family ’ .
8 We can not answer that question with certainty , but the details of the story itself would seem to provide us with several clues .
9 And I fear I can not answer that question to anyone 's satisfaction .
10 That principle might be formulated as follows : if A tells B ( by words or conduct ) that B need not perform a contractual ( or other ) obligation owed by B to A and B takes A at his word and does not perform that obligation , A can not treat that non-performance as a breach of contract entitling him to damages or to terminate the contract .
11 Well , so nothing , if the novel you have written is a good one and if nothing that you have done in the way of title , type of story , original laying-out of the situation has not broken that contract with the reader which says , " This will be a crime novel , it will entertain you first of all though it may cause you a little to think " .
12 They 're not building that runway at Potosi so that we Bolivians can travel , as if we had the money !
13 That 's a burp you may not experience that word from where you come from
14 Regulators must not muffle that signal by permitting banks to resume lending from a weaker capital base .
15 Once they had established that all men were equal before God and that all men were theoretically capable of finding out , for themselves , what God demanded of them , they could not confine that principle to the religious sphere , no matter how much they may have wanted to .
16 Bankers , accountants , commercial and public services , and advisory services all provide a very important contribution to the farming sector but all this sound advice could come to little or nothing if the human factor , that is the farmer or his family , could not translate that advice into practice on the farm .
17 ‘ We do not need that kind of publicity and do not want to be involved in that sort of thing .
18 It was humiliating , and she had not expected that kind of reaction from him .
19 Freedom to worship our religion in our own country has been bought dearly with blood and tears — and you do not surrender that sort of freedom easily .
20 I had hoped that the facts would make themselves so apparent that the motive could emerge in its own good time — but it 's not looking that way at all .
21 Think about it : if marriage is a partnership , the fact that one may be functioning in a responsibility that provides the income does not entitle that partner to sole ownership .
22 It is true that Paul could not preach that freedom without fairly being asked how the theology works out in practice , especially where the inequalities of society , at least on the surface of things , remain unchanged .
23 This is probably true of all human beings irrespective of culture and simply means that some degree of maturation of the ego must occur at around the age of seven even if the culture does not choose that moment for the installation of the superego .
24 Women did not do that kind of thing , even in cosmopolitan Cairo .
25 The result was that very soon indeed afterwards my father came with a very sad but kind face in to the room where I sat alone and told me he was sure I should not do that sort of thing again .
26 I realised I had never ever shaken his hand before , MPs do not do that sort of thing .
27 You can not do that sort of thing if you 're a priest . ’
28 You simply did not do that sort of thing to men like Luke Denner !
29 Asked to comment on the German government 's targets , Knauss said that they were no doubt based on a " very thorough " study , adding that " we have not done that level of study " .
30 A person who is subject to a statutory duty can not discharge that duty by entrusting responsibility for its performance to someone else .
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