Example sentences of "[not/n't] [verb] his [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 And he accused Mr Clarke of being ‘ cruel ’ in not revealing his decision to the family before holding a Press conference .
2 His aim in this and other speeches was not to indicate his solution to the crisis ( although that was often how his words were heard ) but to make an emotional connection with each of the major parties to the conflict ( the settlers , the Muslims , and the army ) as well as with the population at home .
3 Mr Mortimer does not confine his message to high politics .
4 The serious diner likes to feel comfortable , at ease , to have a sense of wellbeing , but docs not want his attention to be distracted .
5 The spectator has come for blood , but did not buy his ticket to be reminded of his own mortality .
6 Councillor David Warner , while commenting that he could not bring his find to the council meeting , reported that he had spied a full sized bath with one tap which had been thrown in the hedge in Tunbridge Lane .
7 If I will not bring his bride to life , then he will rob my bride of her life . ’
8 Now Hyde could not show his face to the world again .
9 ‘ In Norman Lamont we have a quiet man , but do not underestimate his contribution to getting the country out of slump . ’
10 ‘ I will allow you to take his soul , ’ said Fael-Inis again , ‘ but I must have your promise that you will not give his body to the Conablaiche .
11 Furthermore , it gave him an excellent excuse not to apply his mind to the dismal subjects rearmament , the war in Spain , relations with Hitler , the distressed areas the weight of which had built up during his absence .
12 They did not like his approach to it .
13 ‘ His bodyguard , ’ Ace said coldly , not liking his jumping to conclusions one little bit .
14 But Julian Green does not limit his universe to inner emotional states , nor does he write in an ivory tower .
15 Also , I have to report the receipt of another letter of objection which I think the county surveyor is wa aware about but does not alter his recommendation to the report .
16 ‘ … the purchaser can not avoid his liability to the auctioneer by paying the vendor direct without telling the auctioneer .
17 Nor , said Thomas Gisborne in 1795 , must he himself disdain to borrow money at the appropriate moment if he is not to put his credit to real and serious hazard .
18 Karl turned and walked back along the other side of the garden , although this time Erika did not draw his attention to the words of Josef Stalin paying tribute to glorious workers , doctors , nurses , and so on .
19 What this argument suggests in Gandhi 's case is that he does not abandon his commitment to the principle of non-violence or qualify it in any way when he approves the destruction of life .
20 So when Tommaso showed interest in her during those Easter holidays , she noticed him ; while Caterina remained unaware , for she had always the effect of spreading pleasure , and did not remark his response to her , his alert shoulders , his greedy pale eyes tensing for a moment , then flicking guiltily away to contemplate her sister .
21 The draftsman of a clause linking the subrent to the headrent must make it clear what is to happen if the head landlord does not exercise his right to a rent under the headlease , or if the headlease is surrendered .
22 It was not long , you will recall , since Ian Botham was remarking that he would not take his mother-in-law to Pakistan .
23 The diluting of the industrial strategy was a classic Wilsonian operation , as Bernard Donoughue remembers : ‘ I 'm sure that Tony Benn felt himself betrayed by his Prime Minister because the moment the word got around , as it rapidly did in Whitehall — and the Cabinet Office made sure that it got around — that the Prime Minister was not giving his support to Tony Benn , then the civil servants began to back off from their minister .
24 I therefore can not submit his application to the House today .
25 The reason Bohm could get away with it was that he did not submit his theory to this superfluous requirement .
26 He got off too lightly at the time and history has not brought his memory to full justice .
27 Had he not plodded his way to the fairs and markets , to the countless isolated communities in villages and hamlets , the English race would have been immeasurably poorer in its literature , its recreations and its memories of the past .
28 To her surprise Broom-Parker had phoned shortly after she 'd returned home , pleading with her not to mention his name to the police .
29 The friend himself does not intend his advice to be accepted for that reason , and is likely to be doubly hurt if he finds out that his advice was judged mistaken on its merits but was followed in order not to hurt him .
30 An 80-year-old man does not realise his response to his 75-year-old dependent partner is abusive .
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