Example sentences of "[not/n't] [verb] it with [det] " in BNC.

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1 I can not accept it with any great tranquillity .
2 Oh this is this is you here is it ? the other side of the , cos I know when we tried to take photo 's off John , tried to take photo 's of John on the television because he could n't do it with all the flash or .
3 Oh no wo n't see it with that flipping big collar on my school shirt !
4 You do n't get it with half a Jaffa Cake .
5 He ca n't handle it with all this swearing can he ?
6 and the trade union movement , the liberation struggle , when you look at it it gives you great hope in terms of human capacity but they will need other kinds of help in order to reconstruct and let me say this because it is important and I do n't say it with any kind of arrogance we have one kind of miracle occurring in South Africa that people ignore and that is that out of the hell of racism we have produced a leadership which is the strongest leadership in the world against racism .
7 But she did n't say it with any conviction .
8 I certainly did n't find it with that fucking bitch . ’
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