Example sentences of "[not/n't] [verb] him [prep] any " in BNC.

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1 She could not associate him with any loss of dignity , or credit , or grace , not because he felt these too nearly and jealously , but because he wore and used them with as little thought as the breath he drew , and they were as natural a part of him , and like breath , when they left him they would leave him dead .
2 Political theories could not provide him with any answers .
3 She could not see him in any such clear moralistic light .
4 Whereas Charles Dance did not resemble him in any way .
5 Last night a nationwide alert was issued for the former foreign embassy bodyguard , who has Merseyside connections , and the public was warned not to approach him under any circumstances .
6 Determined not to present him with any more ammunition , she paused for a long moment , considering her words carefully before trying again .
7 I mean you 're not locking him in any more are you ?
8 She had n't coerced him in any way .
9 I could n't keep him to any particular point — he kept slipping from one subject to another without seeming to realize it . ’
10 You hear about the times of good King Hal , and the rather implausible suggestion that he wrote ‘ Greensleeves ’ , but I do n't see him in any romantic light at all .
11 He was out again early ; too early even for the car to have been ticketed yet , as he found when he got in and turned the engine over to be sure that the cold and damp of the early hours would n't leave him with any last-minute problems .
12 but yesterday morn he was , yesterday morning he started crying did n't he , I did n't leave him for any length of time
13 If you ca n't find him in any of those places then try the Bramley Arms .
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