Example sentences of "[not/n't] [verb] of [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ To me , if the kitchen 's not smelling of delicious food then there 's something wrong at home , ’ says Sheila , who does all her cooking herself .
2 In its composition the bakers are not sparing of fresh butter , milk and eggs ; but though it be raised it has a burned taste , and is too much like cake .
3 What about my freedom to eat a canteen meal in relatively clean air , to wear clothes that do not reek of stale tobacco and to breathe air as clean as is reasonably possible .
4 Emmanuelli , who was not suspected of personal enrichment , denied the charges , describing them as " artificial " and politically motivated .
5 Finally , Nuadu had found his way to the strange twilight community of the Wolfwood ; the place that gave shelter to the half-breeds : the bastard sons of Royal Houses , the creatures who were not possessed of sufficient Beastblood to be acknowledged at Tara , but yet were not entirely Human .
6 Fenella saw , with a thrill of horror , that as his hand went through the colours , the robes shivered as if they were not made of plain cloth , but of some living , breathing substance .
7 The most amusing of these is the suggestion that pikemen worse short buff-coats made from imported buffalo leather from America , while in fact pikemen did not wear buff-coats , and the buff-coats which were worn by cavalry troopers were not made of American buffalo leather but local oxhide .
8 If there are nine straight lines in the figure , then interpreting it as a drawing of a box means , among other things , thinking that the box is not made of transparent material .
9 Not made of coloured crêpe paper , faded , dusty and crinkled on bent wire stems like Mrs Parvis had in her parlour .
10 On the whole the working-class seaside resort did not become of major significance until the 1880s , and the nobility and gentry would scarcely consider a stay at Bournemouth ( where the French poet Verlaine found himself ) or Ventnor ( where Turgenev and Karl Marx took the air ) as a suitable summer activity .
11 Where perhaps a defendant has been a passenger and is not accused of reckless driving .
12 Depressed and anxious patients who sought refuge from their troubles by taking an overdose remained unconscious for a time but did not die of respiratory failure or asphyxiation , as happened only too readily after an overdose of barbiturate .
13 In fact it is best not to think of ethical positivism as a theory of natural law because this may lead to consequences which are directly contrary to those sought , namely , the appeal to ‘ higher ’ laws as a basis for disobeying positive law , and the pursuit of an external validation for the devices of positive law which posits the existence of metaphysical rules to be discovered by a process of moral inspection .
14 He refused to do this , warning them of the wrongfulness and unwisdom of such vows , and that they should learn ‘ not to think of human nature above that which it is , a sea of flowings and ebbings , and of all manner of inconstancy ’ .
15 I am not talking of municipal autonomy — they almost have that — but of self-rule as is written and spelled out in the Camp David accords " .
16 I hoped that Lord Lane would not prove of similar kidney .
17 It was just a pity that the small stock of provisions did not allow of imaginative cuisine .
18 Mr Edmonds said all companies would have to pay the same base rate so they could not complain of unfair competition .
19 Might they not think it more sensible to throw in their lot with their fellow Germans west of the Elbe , who know as much about running a liberal capitalist society as anybody , and have abundant reserves of capital , not to speak of generous welfare benefits ?
20 On the final day of the meeting , progress was overshadowed by the UK 's refusal to agree not to dispose of radioactive waste under the seabed .
21 Do you know , they have n't heard of Mystical Medley ?
22 I had no idea you did n't approve of go-go dancing or I 'd never have taken you there . ’
23 He did n't approve of Celtic influence on what he called " the pure springs of Anglo-Saxon democracy " , holding that most of what had gone wrong with Britain over the past thousand years or so was the fault of " Celtic individualism " .
24 ‘ I thought you did n't approve of manual labour , ’ Oliver said .
25 Growing up seeing nothing but these truly ghastly buildings , never using anything that is n't made of shoddy material , how could such children become people who would recognise and choose anything that 's beautiful ?
26 Its design , like Dot 's , was of crossed flags but was n't made of scratchy tin with rusting edges .
27 His room was no bigger than Fat Eric 's , but the people in the house were friendlier , slimmer , and did n't boast of spinal surgery .
28 My grandfather saying that everything was going downhill , my grandmother talking of progress , but neither expecting it for that year or the next , they did n't dream of real change , not in their lifetime nor their children 's .
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