Example sentences of "[not/n't] [verb] its [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 In particular , the Scotch whisky industry , with such a splendid export record , does not want its business to be run by politicians , who should only consume the stuff and not organise and manage the businesses .
2 However , the label ’ semantic ’ will continue to be used , although it is intended that the reader should not restrict its denotation to the strict linguistic sense .
3 Franco was quick to exploit the lack of unity in Allied attitudes to Spain , accusing the United States of intransigence and ingratitude and stating defiantly that Spain would not curtail its aid to Germany under Allied duress .
4 Although the local authority was sympathetic to her problem , the sum of money available to it for discretionary grants had been severely cut in recent years , so it could not see its way to helping her further .
5 Gwynedd Health Authority has also issued an assurance that the disaster will not alter its commitment to a multi-million pound investment programme .
6 If Labour can not stake its claim to be the future government , it may be by-passed by events and find itself back in the wilderness .
7 Jordan did not abandon its claim to the West Bank .
8 Despite PLO-Hashemite co-operation , Jordan did not abandon its claim to the West Bank .
9 On security issues , Solomon reassured the leaders that the US would not abandon its commitment to a strong regional presence .
10 I believe that if feminism has got something to say then it 's certainly not getting its message to the masses of ordinary women .
11 The strong views expressed on both sides of the House — which in itself is unusual , divided as it is in its political structure — on the way that the right hon. Gentleman has carried out his job should send a clear message to the IRA : that it will not bomb its way to the conference table ; it will not affect us now ; it will not affect us during the general election ; and it will not affect us after the general election .
12 The House is expected to submit bills to sustained scrutiny and debate before giving its assent to them ( or not giving its assent to them , but the influence of party usually precludes such an outcome ) .
13 India , which had removed the final contingent of Indian Peace-Keeping Force ( IPKF ) troops from Sri Lanka in March 1990 [ see p. 37316 ] , expressed concern for the plight of Tamil civilians but made it clear that it would not permit its territory to be used to support militant activity .
14 And of course a familiar populist complaint about modernist fiction is that it does not communicate its meaning to the reader in a clear and comprehensible way .
15 It is almost as if someone has allowed subsidiarity in through the back door of the Town Hall , but not announced its arrival to anyone .
16 And Allied Signal Corp chairman Lawrence Bossidy has initiated the UK ‘ manufacturing versus services ’ debate in the US , suggesting that for those that believe that IBM Corp should be making more , cheaper rather than shuttering factories all over the place , he might have been the right man for the job : US industry ‘ can not slash its way to prosperity , ’ he told the new Design & Manufacturing Institute of the Stevens Institute of Technology — adding that while design innovation is a US strength , ‘ we need to extend US technological excellence from the design laboratory to the manufacturing floor — American business needs to find ways to improve the speed with which we convert innovative design into high-quality , marketable product ; many of our factory floors are populated by high-school graduates or dropouts , with a few engineers serving as supervisors safely ensconced behind glass walls , ’ Bossidy said , where Japanese shop floors are staffed much more by graduate engineers who work directly with well-trained workers , to solve problems and improve manufacturing efficiency .
17 While the US Congress remained hostile , the US administration had not voiced its opposition to the proposed agreement in spite of its previous strong objections to any forced repatriation , preferring instead to maintain a " neutral reaction " to deportations .
18 To imagine a straight structure which did not owe its straightness to this cause would require an assumption of a highly fortuitous combination of angles between sections . ’
19 It has been changed by the influence of sociology and anthropology but it has not surrendered its distinctiveness to them .
20 Robert Spence 's Swordfish C-GEVS ( see the August issue ) had not gained its Permit to Fly on August 31 so was restricted to taxi-ing at Muirkirk , Ontario , during the Labour Day fly-in .
21 Despite the centralist tendencies of most non-Catalan Republicans and Socialists , the Republican-Socialist alliance could not escape its commitment to Catalan autonomy .
22 On Dec. 4 Koirala had been quoted in Katmandu as saying that Nepal would not allow its territory to be used as bases by activists from the Indian states of Punjab , Kashmir and Assam .
23 Hezb-i-Islami had previously had the backing of Pakistan and had bases inside that country , but on Aug. 13 , in an unprecedented statement , Pakistan 's Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif had obliquely attacked Hekmatyar , stating that " Pakistan would not allow its territory to be used by unscrupulous elements engaged in undermining the territorial integrity of Afghanistan " .
24 Christianity can not lose its reference to that history .
25 And he made clear that even if British Coal decided against a reprieve the Government would not block its sale to a private company .
26 In a reference to the ANC 's suspension of the armed struggle in August , Mandela said that this was done to further the peace process but that the movement had nevertheless not forfeited its right to self-defence .
27 Great Britain was almost the only remaining State which had not extended its protection to this important art .
28 He 'd torn it free , pocketed it , had not mentioned its existence to Buchanan .
29 It was only on Aug. 21 that the CPSU had stated its opposition to the coup , when Ivashko demanded to see Gorbachev , because the party could not define its attitude to recent events without its leader .
30 I judged our Swiss hosts to be sincere in saying that their latest equipment would be offered on a preferential basis to NATO and other friendly countries , and that it would not find its way to Argentina .
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