Example sentences of "[not/n't] [verb] she [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Come back , come back ! ’ she shouted , but he pretended that he had not heard her at all .
2 I could not tell her — I could not hurt her in this way .
3 Father Abbot , here is a strange saying , for she came to me when I was not seeking her at all , when I knew nothing of her .
4 For all her self-confidence , her upbringing had not prepared her for that . ’
5 I will certainly visit Loughborough to see 4771 , as Ii have not seen her since that day in August 1962 .
6 I have not seen her from that day to this .
7 Nora had not seen her like that since the day she and Sam had arrived at Coutances .
8 Agnes duly went into labour about lunch-time one hot still day , pouring sweat and Omming to herself while my father boiled lots of water and things and Mrs Clamp dabbed Agnes 's brow and like as not told her of all the women she 'd known who had died in childbirth .
9 He did not see her at all as he got out of the car and Jenna had the chance to observe him without the dark eyes pinning her quizzically .
10 Maggie 's face flushed hotly and she was glad that Ana could not see her at that moment .
11 I moved round to the other windows , but I could not see her in any of the rooms .
12 I confess I did not remember her at all , but I have been in so many hoses , I suppose it is only natural … "
13 But she soon saw he did not remember her at all .
14 Not to psychoanalyse her in any way , but we all became the Big Sisters to Debbi .
15 Such behaviour , which always unnerved her when displayed by such as Higginbotham , did not unnerve her at all .
16 She was jealous that I was to bear her husband 's son — I could not hate her for that .
17 Surely he did not blame her for this ?
18 He believed she did not love him because he was like his father but he could not blame her for this because he knew he was unlovable .
19 The male did not bother her at all after spawning , so I was able to leave her in the Mbuna colony until she was ‘ near term ’ — and all the fry were this time normal — all 120+ of them .
20 ‘ You never know , it may not bother her after all this time .
21 I can not leave her in this bastille .
22 Should not drag her from that moment
23 Shelley stayed in her villa , regretting the incident , yet blaming her chief for not preparing her for such a patient .
24 The symbolism of this did not strike her at all , as she went back and forth , showering and dressing and rehearsing all the reasons why he was to go .
25 He does not threaten her in any way .
26 So it was a husband 's sacred duty not to refuse her on that day even if he were practising celibacy .
27 If you wish to see her you may do so , but I must stress that you should try not to upset her in any way . ’
28 So he had not failed her after all !
29 Yeah , Oh you ca n't sack her for that !
30 ‘ I ca n't compare her with any of the top horses I 've trained because I just do n't know how good she is .
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