Example sentences of "[not/n't] [verb] [prep] the long " in BNC.

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1 If we were to add those provisions to the Bill , I fear that we might not fall within the long title of the Bill .
2 The Basle exchange too , with a turnover only a seventh that of Zurich , may not survive in the longer term if Swiss Bank Corporation , its biggest trader , decides to pull out .
3 To a certain extent it does not matter how well a product performs if the user takes a strong dislike to it then it will not succeed in the long run .
4 Sir David Alliance , Coats chairman , said the sales were part of Coats ' continuing policy of disposing of peripheral activities that do not fit in the long term strategy of the group .
5 Thus we have Macdonald reporting on the " almost unanimous chorus of opinion that women 's work as compositors is so inferior to men 's that it does not pay in the long run " ( the chorus in question being from employers ) But the testimony of individual employers is far from unanimous or even consistent .
6 I am not talking about the long run , he wrote .
7 And it 's easier in the short term not to have In the long term you get more problems .
8 But do not be downhearted if your story is not taken up , or indeed ousted at the last moment because a major story comes up : your campaign will not suffer in the long run .
9 Yeah , mind you his , his short er term policies so it does n't matter in the long run .
10 But I ca n't see in the long run that it would make any difference to what we 've been talking about , seeing who Maggie is .
11 The whining motor could n't cope with the long grass by the fence , and it melted the extension cable when Pa forgot to unwind it fully from its blue plastic drum .
12 It does n't pay in the long run .
13 Begging or threatening tactics wo n't help in the long run either .
14 He ca n't see that does n't help in the long run if ,
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