Example sentences of "[not/n't] [verb] [pron] look at " in BNC.

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1 ‘ She 's had a lot of knocks in her life , although you might not think it to look at her , perhaps .
2 He could not bring himself to look at her .
3 She would not permit herself to look at that either .
4 The requirements of the standard itself does not ask you to look at accounts er , specifically , which is why you can choose to include them or choose not to include them .
5 I mean , if it 's just that you 're too close to it and you do n't want me to look at it , there are people I know who 're good at that sort of thing ; they can see the wood from the trees ; they could — ’
6 yeah I do n't think he looked at these last too much
7 I do n't think he looks at all well . ’
8 ‘ You would n't think it to look at her , would you ? ’
9 You would n't think it to look at him now , but my Thomas was just such a one .
10 Dave as the horse is known gets excited although you would n't know it to look at him now .
11 If you , you ca n't do it looking at the book .
12 I could n't bring myself to look at Mavis , with her neat grey bun and demure brooch linking the lapels of her Peter Pan collar .
13 For a moment Luke still stood there as if he intended to say more , but Merrill could n't bring herself to look at him .
14 She could n't bring herself to look at him , and God knew how she managed to drag out the conventional words in a voice already husky with pain .
15 Rachel , who had already been battling with unpredictable sensations brought on by the close proximity of David clad only in his brief black swimming-trunks , felt her cheeks flame and could n't bring herself to look at him .
16 I do n't mind us looking at some funny ideas , ’ said Georgiades , ‘ but let's not go crazy . ’
17 I did n't put a blind up there cos we were so far away I do n't like them looking at your window
18 I do n't suppose you looked at what 's left of the lettering on the reverse .
19 I do n't suppose you looked at the jeep while you were there ? ’ she murmured croakily , just for something to say .
20 Charlie found that he could n't get himself to look at them , although he was still able to see from their reflection in the mirror behind the bar that they were deep in conversation .
21 ‘ I did n't ask him to look at me . ’
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