Example sentences of "[not/n't] [verb] [pron] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 When I took over , the ‘ Whads ’ were already twenty points adrift from the rest of football and while not seeing myself beyond blame entirely , my denial of any involvement in our downfall does not mean my commitment is any less than 110 per cent .
2 Future funding from the Board to law centres would be for cases done under the green forms and legal aid schemes , including any new arrangements that might be developed , ‘ and possibly grants for specific types of work where the law centres could demonstrate that they would provide a better and more efficient service in ways that did not lend themselves to payment on a case by case basis . ’
3 It is not , however , ideal as a general methodology for lexical semantics : it is far too cumbersome , many areas of meaning do not lend themselves to illustration in this fashion and , in any case , production only taps active competence .
4 Unfortunately , because of their omission from citation , the role of such ephemeral , non-rigorous , or incomplete data in the communication process in geology does not lend itself to citation analysis .
5 This morphology does not lend itself to analysis after conventional staining since only a few of the autosomes show distinguishing features in the form of secondary constrictions ( Figure 3a ) and , of the sex chromosomes , only the Y of some strains can be recognized by virtue of occasionally visible unique features ( Figure 3a ) .
6 But Sheila 's situation does not lend itself to action .
7 Information on employees may exist on a company 's mini or mainframe computer but is stored in a form not usually usable or accessible by the personnel department , and mainframe information does not lend itself to interrogation on a real time basis .
8 If it 's too dirty I 'm not bringing it in mind .
9 Having her daughter has not stopped her from doing more or less what she had planned , but has spurred her on to better results .
10 The Local Authority will not think it worth while spending money on science teachers or equipment , nor will properly qualified science teachers be willing to accept posts in such schools .
11 It was a disappointment for his many fans not to see him in action .
12 If they think of history , it may be hard not to see it in dressing-up terms from telly watching .
13 If you look around for some field that has yet to be used in a crime story and then insist on using it when it has not filled you with enthusiasm , your book will be leaden .
14 ‘ Lord Mandru will not eat you for breakfast ! ’ he said .
15 If it were not human you would not want it for research and if it was not human no one would deny you having it for research . ’
16 That may be the competitive advantage that the hon. Gentleman wants for his constituents , but I do not want it for mine .
17 Being infected should not add to her credibility , while not being so should not disqualify her from comment , she says .
18 The patient keeps his hands clasped together throughout the active parts of the transfer , so that he does not throw himself off balance by reaching out to grab the carer or the arm of the chair .
19 Better a culture in which men have one wife and women need not shroud themselves in black , we 'll say .
20 ‘ You 're not helping him by behaviour like this , ’ snapped Drew .
21 One lesson Athens had learnt , not to overreach herself with warfare in two theatres .
22 Under this stage all holders of vouchers who had not placed them with investment funds were able to use them to apply for shares in the 1,500 companies selected for privatization .
23 If the Minister does not consider it worth while , all he has to do is call it in and either have a public inquiry or decide for himself whether it is a good scheme .
24 He did not recognise it as hope .
25 That young so-and-so might easily have got his Betty into trouble , if he had not caught them in time .
26 Brooke 's Cabinet colleague R. A. Butler , on the other hand , took a rather more robust view — confiding to the BBC 's Director General , Sir Hugh Greene , that he had not enjoyed anything on television so much for years .
27 They did not confine themselves to church attendance nor to their concern for church buildings , but endeavoured to follow Christian principles in their everyday lives .
28 There are some types of case which it can not sustain , and some which do not need it in order to remain at home ; but there is a group — those with relatively severe dementia , probably living alone , and unable to receive the care they need from elsewhere ( usually because they do not have able and willing involved relatives ) who appear unlikely to have remained at home had it not been for the involvement of the Home Support Project .
29 They 're not to write it on letter heading cos it means it says it 's coming from the London .
30 Although the Chicago School made passing reference to Freud 's work in discussing the biotic level , it did not explore it in detail , perhaps because it was not fully available in English during the 1920s and 1930s .
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