Example sentences of "[not/n't] [verb] [prep] her [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Yasmin is expecting another child in the autumn and , although she will have to make some difficult decisions about whether or not to continue with her career after the baby is born , she is still determined to carry on working for as long as she can .
2 Tonight , she would rest and not think about her future until the morning .
3 A large woman who is not apologising for her size is certainly not a figure to invite the dominant meanings which our culture attaches to femininity .
4 Later she wondered if he was counting on her not sticking to her resolution .
5 ‘ That 's my fault , naturally ! ’ she snapped , not halting in her step , but knowing that if Travis had gone to get plastered , as was probably true , it was not on account of her .
6 She was not miserable ; she certainly was not coerced into her life style ( quite the contrary , her family made considerable effort to dissuade her , and even the Church authorities of her time were not encouraging ) ; she was not psychopathic , in the sense that she did not inflict sufferings on other people ; she was the recipient of quite remarkable consolations , including that highest of all delights , the conviction of the ‘ mystical marriage ’ , in which Christ takes the soul directly as his spouse , and a loving one at that .
7 He would not answer at her call .
8 She had not heard from her husband , a policeman in Bosnia , for two days .
9 The problem is that the mother does not relate to her child .
10 Once she was in bed with Edward Bear , the light out , the night shut safe outside behind the drawn curtains , Melanie cried a little because she was not tucked into her bed with the satin headboard and the striped coverlet .
11 If he nagged , she would beg him not to rummage in her past .
12 Richard Molesworth 's social rank ( he was nephew of the seventh Viscount Molesworth ) did not compensate in her mother 's eyes for the dangers of marrying a man with a violent temper ( supposedly caused by a head wound incurred in the Crimean war ) .
13 a wife 's income is not included in her husband 's return .
14 His eyes did not waver from her face .
15 A hostess in tight teeshirt and jeans lingers only long enough to assure Kate discreetly with her eyes that she is not poaching on her territory , smiles velvetly at Jeremy , brings them their drinks .
16 Mr Cubbage was like a cat on hot bricks , he was most distraught at Coleen 's decision to go to England , and he bombarded her with letters and flowers ; he could not wait for her return and for her to say the one word that would make her his wife .
17 And she can not wait for her wedding blessing in December next year — on her fourth anniversary .
18 Perhaps the rather strict parson would not approve of her travelling so far on a Sunday .
19 She might well have owned that it was the other way round and that Rosemary 's husband had been the one to do the leaving , Leith realised , when her mother retorted , ‘ Well , she 's not living at her flat , is she ?
20 ‘ Many people thought she could leave off as she liked ’ , and others ‘ slandered and reproved her ’ for not looking after her home and children .
21 On catching sight of me she threw up her head , and as I was not looking in her direction she stood stock still , as these animals have a habit of doing when they are under the impression that they have not been seen .
22 She waved to him but he was not looking in her direction .
23 She did not refer to her anguish ; nor did she to mine , but she bent all her energies towards distracting me , insofar as that was possible .
24 In the time that followed , Auntie was very careful indeed not to talk about her sight , long sight , or foresight .
25 I do n't know what maggot has got into her head , but I will not dance to her piping , any more than you .
26 ‘ Nor do we see any reason why a wife who is not separated from her husband , even a wife who is still to be regarded as cohabiting with her husband , should lack this protection of the criminal law .
27 Moira Russell exclaimed when , not pausing in her stride , Leith banged in through her office door and kept going in the direction of the other door in the room .
28 Sunday was not much better ; Miss Huntley had not risen from her bed until one p.m. and had not left the flat until five , then only to go to the cinema .
29 ‘ But you did not believe in her ignorance . ’
30 Constance could not look at her mother .
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