Example sentences of "[not/n't] [verb] [prep] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In other words , Bukharin was cautiously calling for curbs on Stalin 's power , even if he was not referred to by name .
2 An allegation that drugs are being supplied as a " liquid cash " to modify behaviour at a particular prison may point a sufficient finger at the medical officers working at that prison , even though they are not referred to by name .
3 The clearest reflection of the way in which the full implications of Marsh 's book were not appreciated in physical geography is shown in the fact that he is not referred to in relation to the history of the study of landforms before Davis ( Chorley , Dunn and Beckinsale , 1964 ) , or in Explanation in Geography ( Harvey , 1969 ) , in Geography Its History and Concepts ( Holt-Jensen , 1981 ) or in Geography and Geographers : Anglo-American Human Geography ( Johnston , 1979 , 1983a ) .
4 Line A suggested maximum length 60metres ( 200ft ) was made but is not adhered to in practice .
5 Now in this first session I really want to look at the way that er er financial planning will affect you once you , once you retire , it may be that 's the sort of area you 've not looked at in detail .
6 The reason is that such clauses are not looked upon with favour either by the courts or by Parliament .
7 All this fun and games is not looked upon with disapproval by the seniors in the Conservative Party .
8 Such an aide-mémoire may not be necessary after six or 12 months of practice , but initially , it could be vital , for serious consequences can flow if a search is forgotten , or mortgage money is not applied for on time .
9 Unfortunately shrinkage of revenue from these sources was not compensated for by growth of revenue from the notional 1 per cent VAT on a common base because consumption expenditures were accounting for a declining share of the GNP of the EC .
10 It did not mean the burglary was not talked about over Christmas lunch — it certainly was ; it became part of the event , and is now alluded to as ‘ Do you remember when … etc. etc . ’
11 The majority of Rottweilers are kept as pets : this is a pigeon-hole Rottweilers do not fit into with ease ; there has to be something else .
12 From an argument based on such negative evidence it may be that as a hunting weapon they were more common than the record suggests , having such a high use-value that they were not disposed of at burial ; if accepted this would also say something of the use-value of weaponry .
13 What I , and I having heard the director , what I want to be clear about , is that any decision which relates to closing local schools on , on economic grounds comes to the full county council , and is , is not dealt with by education .
14 Even if such a sweeping conclusion is not warranted , retributivists should be strongly critical of many aspects of our penal system , not least the lack of consistency in sentencing practices ( see Chapter 4 ) which means that offenders are to a great extent not dealt with in proportion to their just deserts .
15 In Chapter 3 we consider other aspects of processor design ; the layout of instructions and how operands may be accessed by an instruction , control and other instructions not dealt with in Chapter 2 , provision for supervisory software , and the concept of microprogramming .
16 The person in charge of product development decided to carry out all the modifications simultaneously ( although not forced to by LIFESPAN ) , made a senior programmer the user associated with the DCs and instructed him to activate the DCs on the main package and set to work .
17 If the requirements of section 242 are not complied with on time , any person who was a director immediately before the end of the time allowed is liable to a fine and , for continued contravention , to a daily default fine .
18 And you should never do anything that you can not talk about after dinner . ’
19 This had two vices ; the common law concept was vague , and it seems highly likely that the offence was sometimes used to prevent nuisances of a relatively minor kind not aimed at by Parliament .
20 So , whilst I would n't want to over estimate or under estimate the problem , I think we 've got to keep a balance in that .
21 She said , by the shape of me she wanted to ask me , but she did n't want to in case she offended me .
22 You had to buy too many fonts , and it was too expensive , and people did n't want to by linotype matrices of that size .
23 I do n't know about in earnest .
24 Once you 've go we what we do n't do in in advertising erm whatever your er your son may do himself , is it your son in in advertising ?
25 So because it er as I said it was a relief to her i were a relief to us as children because then we were n't living in in terror of him coming home and you know causing the bother .
26 A Perfect Stranger bound on next , all fresh-faced and youthfully exuberant and with a fine-voiced giant of a singer whom I ca n't look at without thinking of Spandau 's Tony Hadley .
27 Will you ever be asked to do something you do n't believe in like advertising cigarettes , animal fur fashions , the political party you do n't like , or processed foods you ca n't abide ?
28 do n't wan na , do n't wan na down trade you .
29 But if you do n't wan na of course .
30 They can also be used for tests for structural change , right , what we 're going to do is to say during peacetime right , we 'll estimate our model , we 'll then estimate our model during wartime and we 're going to assume that the coefficients or the income and price elasticity mark , do n't change during between peace and wartime , all that happens is as they intercept this model shifts , right , now you may thinks that 's not particularly er attractive , you might expect the price of income elasticities to change between two periods and we could actually use dummy variables to see whether that is the case , right , however , we 'll get very similar results , right , if you just use a slope dummy so it 'd intercept dummy , right , and all that 's going to do is to say , well the model runs like this in peacetime , right , and then wartime it suddenly shifts up or down depending on the effect of er of the war on textile consumption .
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