Example sentences of "[not/n't] [verb] [prep] the end " in BNC.

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1 If the defendant is successful in the RSC Ord 14 proceedings , the court may make various orders , including allowing the defendant to defend the claim , which means that the plaintiff 's next opportunity to obtain judgment against the defendant will not arise before the end of a full trial .
2 The proposed government centre ( not yet a palace ) was not situated at the end of converging boulevards , but occupied an already partially derelict and vacant site .
3 This bizarre characteristic did not disappear with the end of the war , for when I visited her home during a sugar shortage in the 1970s , I saw the dining-room mantelpiece piled high with two-pound bags — enough , surely , to satisfy the most desperate sweet-tooth for months , or even years , to come .
4 It had also led to the adoption of military influences in Bolshevik governmental organization and propaganda jargon which did not disappear at the end of the Civil War .
5 Silver Reed tell me the double knit ribber does have a yarn holder and this holds the yarns you are not using at the end of the needle bed , making changing by hand easier .
6 As we saw in this chapter , more recently it has been found that this account of processing can not be correct for at least three reasons : ( a ) there is evidence that syntactic and semantic processing is not delayed until the end of the clause ; ( b ) there is evidence that information about the specific wording is retained after the end of a clause if that clause contains nonspecific words which subsequent clauses will disambiguate ; ( c ) specific wording will also be retained if it has pragmatic significance .
7 What you quickly learned was not to sit on the end of the row , because the usherettes would pass the trays down the row and as soon as everybody was served they 'd give the nod to the projectionist , the lights would go down again , and on the film would go .
8 It was October before negotiations reached any resolution and the troops were not withdrawn until the end of the year .
9 The FIA tribunal wished to consider the matter further and a final decision is not expected until the end of the month at the earliest .
10 Court proceedings against end-users are not expected until the end of the year .
11 The first offering , not expected until the end of the year , is a NetWare Loadable Module .
12 Publication of the report , which could prove somewhat embarrassing for Britain , is not expected until the end of this year .
13 Without a system of progress evaluation the manager will not know until the end , whether he has succeeded .
14 The full hearing of the claim must be before a differently constituted tribunal who will not know until the end of the case of the warning .
15 Their efforts were greatly appreciated ( One thermos was not claimed at the end of the day , would the owner contact Betty Syrett ) .
16 Can not wait for the end .
17 Obviously people do not wait until the end of the utterance before deciding on an interpretation .
18 Another important change is that the time periods laid down for these notices do not commence until the end of the day in which notice is given .
19 After April , rents not collected at the end of the year will have to be paid for with a general rent increase because of the Government ‘ ring-fencing ’ of housing revenue accounts .
20 As it turned out , I never did not smoke in the end .
21 It might not matter in the end — Forester fully expected to be traced and caught-but every difficulty and delay that he could strew behind him could make a final difference of hours or even minutes that might determine the distinction between success or failure .
22 Since typing had taken longer than anticipated the booklet would not appear until the end of December .
23 The rules governing payment of UB and DB were changed in April 1991 to reflect the eligibility of part time workers but the Regulations to bring those new rules into effect were not made until the end of December 1992 .
24 In other words , an anxiety dream is a kind of aborted dream , a dream that attempted to disguise a er disturbing latent content but could not succeed in the end .
25 Their 1st runs at the end of 1981 were witnessed by scenes not seen since the end of steam when literally thousands either embarked on farewell trips or crowded platform ends for a last glimpse of the 3,300hp machines that were as popular as the LNER Gresley steam Pacifics they replaced .
26 The first was The south-east study ( 1964 ) which put forward broad-based regional proposals covering the period to 1981 of a kind not seen since the end of the war .
27 It remained frozen in a feudal system which had decayed but not died with the end of the rubber boom .
28 The Ego is the limited , separated , illusory self which can not see beyond the end of its own nose .
29 No , the rude word was not sung at the end of the fourth line but the implication was there .
30 But the rise in aggregate demand was not anticipated at the end of period 0 when the price was set .
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