Example sentences of "[not/n't] [verb] [noun sg] [prep] in " in BNC.

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1 Whether you climb , walk , run , or just stroll from your car for a picnic , then you 'll expect to be able to do so free of problems ; not to be shouted at abusively or shot at ( it still happens occasionally ! ) ; not to be spurned from the hills by aggressive signs erected by indignant landowners , or find endless and unyielding deer fences encircling your 232nd Munro ; not to discover destruction from in appropriate developments over a once beautiful area .
2 It 's true I think er as Mr said at some length er that er this measure would not prevent hunting in in most of the area in which it it takes place , through plenty of it happens of course well to the West of the A six er perhaps it might even get out there from time to time but our duty clearly is to see er that the right thing is done in the territory which is our responsibility and our other responsibility is surely to set an example of decent humanity .
3 First , social psychology is alienating because our everyday lives are not made sense of in our terms .
4 The official compilation was of moment because it ensured that certain general claims of the papacy , and the specific reasons for these claims , were not lost sight of in the later history of the papacy .
5 I 've got a thing from Steve about erm planning permission or application for Sizewell C that I did n't have room for in this newsletter .
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