Example sentences of "[adv prt] into the [noun] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 Giles-the-murderer , who had been in the coffee shop , strolled along into the mêlée and started being frightfully nice to old ladies .
2 They are tunnelling down into the sewers and up into the cavity walls and suspended ceilings .
3 They cantered down into the village and led their horses into the graveyard .
4 Having decided on your broad aims and objectives and any outside resources which may be required , you should then break these down into the knowledge and skills the nurse requires in order to complete the project .
5 One by one he filled each chamber with powder and then , without wadding or patch , placed a soft lead ball on its mouth and pulled the long lever beneath the barrel ; this lever moved the rammer which forced the lead down into the chamber and sealed it so completely , the Collector had been assured , that the powder would still fire even if you immersed your arm completely in water .
6 So how does pancreatic lipase , an enzyme that knocks around in the essentially aqueous environment of the small intestine , get to grips with fats and oils and break them down into the glycerol and fatty acids that are readily absorbed by the lining of the gut ?
7 Blackberry was about to reply when another rabbit came noisily through the thick dog 's mercury in the wood , blundered down into the brambles and pushed his way up from the ditch .
8 I looked down into the punt and saw Rachel gazing up at me from beneath a wide straw hat .
9 The shore slopes steeply down into the sea and , if the ocean were to dry up , the island would emerge in a single block some 5,400m above the sea bed .
10 Her eyes were clear of tears ; she looked from a great height down into the park and saw its order and its beauty so determinedly brought forth .
11 I find some steps , so I go down into the park and have a wander round .
12 My husband was mad on golf , and he used to go down into the park and send golf balls onto the lawn and then walk back through the rose garden which I put in the wrong place .
13 Some of the boys followed and we went down into the basement and I turned the phonograph on as loud as it would play .
14 So at baptism , the new Christian would be immersed and go down into the river or the immersion font in Burmese skirt and coat , and on emerging from the water be clothed with the three garments of a Burmese monk , only white in colour instead of saffron , this signing acceptance as a mature member of the religious community and the cleansing from sin .
15 The roads are hairpins , up and down , and they 're , they 're not tarmacked and so erm you often saw er buses that had fallen over the sides down into the river or that just were on their side , and that erm that obviously there 'd been accidents .
16 He stepped on to the deck , then down into the cockpit and , turning , held out his hand .
17 Gripping the bannister , she looked down into the hall and saw him standing with his back to the door , looking about him as though wondering if he would find her there .
18 They came down into the hall and heard a key in the lock .
19 But this raised the problem that one eye was always looking down into the sand and was effectively useless .
20 Certain snakes and lizards are highly efficient at wriggling themselves down into the sand or gravel in such a way that only the tops of their heads and their eyes remain exposed to view .
21 As we sat on the top , recovering from the steep walk and admiring the view down into the valley and out to the plains beyond , the boys produced a rather crushed packet of cigarettes and all four of them puffed away merrily .
22 Maxim bypassed the village completely map-reading George up a third road above the farm and they left the car there with perhaps a quarter-mile walk down into the valley and up again to the cottage .
23 Somehow she scrambled down into the hollow and landed on her knees by Fand .
24 Trent dropped down into the galley and took his time searching out a tin of ginger biscuits .
25 She peered down into the water but was aware only of her own reflection and that of the branches of the beech trees .
26 For a second the boat began to turn on its side , then the oars went down into the water and the boat came down the side of the wave .
27 Silently , he went down into the water and swam across the moat .
28 Once the planting has been done , cover the soil with a thick mulch of crushed bark , peat or leaf mould , which will gradually break down into the soil and help to improve its texture .
29 Released spores an washed down into the soil and onto the tubers by rain .
30 Laboriously , she drags it down into the tunnel and there , in the dark , she lays a single egg on the inert body .
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