Example sentences of "[adv prt] by the [noun sg] in " in BNC.

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1 Manchester Polytechnic 's part-time BEd , for example , was turned down by the Committee in January 1973 with a recommendation that it should be resubmitted .
2 The party was held at his flat which was a loft in a warehouse down by the river in Shad Thames on a wharf right next to Tower Bridge I 'd never seen anywhere like it .
3 The big regatta dances in the huge grey tent down by the quay in Carrick were just beginning but there were so few days left of the holiday that Maggie preferred to spend them about the house chatting with Rose or her sisters around the fire or talking with Michael out in the front garden among his flowerbeds ; and sometimes during long breaks in the rain they would go out to where Moran was tidying up in the meadows .
4 Article 67 , which is concerned with the free movement of capital , differs from the other ‘ freedoms ’ laid down by the treaty in that it is not drafted in absolute terms .
5 Jim sat down by the fire in Albert 's old chair and then reversed direction and got up again in one amazing movement .
6 It is just that politicians in power do show a tendency to become rather bogged down by the business in hand , and battered women , ill-educated toddlers and the tax status of child-minders have , for perfectly understandable reasons , so far not succeeded in exercising their imaginations .
7 The former Maxwell company was taken over by the management in a £32.5 million deal , agreed with the administrators , Arthur Andersen .
8 There 's a crush over by the door in one of the rooms , with flashbulbs going off every few seconds , but it 's impossible to get near enough to see .
9 When the Remounts were taken over by the army in 1916 , he was discharged .
10 The first instalment of wages was generally paid over by the Exchequer in advance of the campaign , but subsequent instalments were often delayed until after the campaign was over , sometimes long after .
11 The horse buses were banned from the Promenade in the same year to avoid competition with the trams , which had been taken over by the Corporation in 1892 .
12 The amendment also provided for the election to public office of independents and candidates put forward by " organizations with recognized representation " , and allowed for the recreation of the post of Prime Minister ( the functions of this post having been taken over by the President in 1979 ) .
13 Almost as hard to credit , the figure for the number of nuclear explosions set off by the French in the Pacific since 1975 was said to be 52 .
14 The savings are taken up by the government in the form of higher taxes and transferred to the redundant workers .
15 A family planning association was set up by the Government in 1972 , and the Government 's First Five Year Plan proposed the promotion of several different types of birth control .
16 Klebeck , 86 , had never faced trial for his many alleged crimes in the Alderney camps because the British government had not released relevant classified documents even to the war crimes inquiry set up by the government in 1988 [ see p. 36190 ] .
17 The possibility of obtaining loans from the Phnom Penh museum was then followed up by the curator in Asian art at the ANG , Doctor Michael Brand : ‘ Normally it would have been the ANG 's desire to have more time , but 1992 was chosen because the Japanese were trying to borrow some objects for a show to be held in 1993 .
18 Such has been the success of the piece on a short provincial tour , that it has been snapped up by The Globe in the centre of London 's theatreland .
19 When he was five years old he lost his guide when out riding ; frightened by the ‘ horrid imaginations ’ conjured up by the inscription in the turf , he saw a pool , a beacon , and a woman .
20 Set up by the University in 1984 , UnivEd is the first point of contact for industrialists seeking to exploit the University 's top-class resources of staff and equipment .
21 Set up by the University in 1984 , UnivEd is the point of access for clients from industry , commerce and government seeking to tap Edinburgh 's resources of expertise and equipment .
22 So he wrote to George Thurstan , an ex-marine who was running the Drake Fellowship ; this was a scheme set up by the Prince in the wake of the inner-city riots , to give young people from those areas adventure training .
23 As he wrote , the new shift operator tracked the Citation towards the parking-ramp , his face lit up by the screen in front of him .
24 These stamina exercises are supplemented by a programme of exercises set up by the instructor in the dojang .
25 When he came back Breeze was sitting curled up by the fire in the quaint but attractive parlour , her eyes fixed thoughtfully on the dancing flames .
26 The key factor for Freud is the prohibition on sexual desire , first set up by the father in the primal horde .
27 But sources have confirmed that this has been ruled out by the Treasury in the current round of public expenditure talks .
28 The income tax treatment is borne out by the decision in Brown v Bullock , 40 TC 1 , concerning a bank 's subscription to a London club on behalf of its West End manager .
29 The overall economic picture was more gloomy than that set out by the government in November when it first put forward measures aimed at reversing the country 's economic decline [ see pp. 38587-88 ] and what it called the mismanagement by the previous Social Democratic administration .
30 We were not starved of new westerns in that era when great old stars were playing aged gunfighters and movie squabbled with movie on the ideological terrain laid out by the war in Vietnam .
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