Example sentences of "[adv prt] at the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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31 The writer of the Book of Hebrews links the joy and suffering of Christ by saying : ‘ Let us fix our eyes on Jesus , the author and perfecter of our faith , who for the joy set before him endured the cross , scorning its shame , and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God . ’
32 Connon stared down at the young man in the picture as if he was looking at a stranger and trying to analyse what made him seem vaguely familiar .
33 He walked up to the pram and looked down at the young child .
34 Lisa sighed in frustration and sat back in her armchair , scowling down at the flickering gas fire .
35 A more erudite musician — or courteous companion — you wo n't meet ; and I shall treasure for aye the memory of his sitting down at the grand piano in the front room of his Edinburgh town-house to demonstrate how two operations to his 95-year-old hands had not impaired his keyboard ability : what he then produced was some of the most sheerly beautiful bach playing I have ever heard .
36 Sophie looked down at the unconscious West Highland terrier and saw that his breathing was rapid and shallow .
37 As they reached the door she glanced down at the small flower bed which gardeners in the congregation were trying to cultivate with more optimism than success in the unrewarding soil at the side of the path .
38 He returned to his room , sat down at the small table and wrote a letter :
39 Thomas was motor-crazy , she thought , gazing fondly down at the small dungareed figure .
40 ‘ I do n't care ! ’ she told him rebelliously , scowling unhappily down at the small amount of red wine still in her glass .
41 The others , grouped around him , stood in silence looking down at the stricken man .
42 Peering down at the faint blood trail staining the grass , he strode angrily away towards the jungle with his son at his heels .
43 Morse looked at her : looked at the piled-up hair above her wistful face ; looked down at the full and observably bra-less bosom ; looked down at the taut stretch of black stocking between the knee and the thigh of her crossed right leg .
44 She walked one last time down the rickety boardwalk in front of the cabins , and stood for a long time looking down at the sleeping lodge , the moody lake beyond it .
45 Sarah looked down at the sleeping infant and made some suitable comment , but her mind was occupied with Elizabeth 's obvious ill-health .
46 She stared down at the disgusting mass as it came away in her hand for a moment and then she marched after him with pursed lips and a determined gleam in her eyes .
47 Glancing down at the torn card , she gave a little moue of apology .
48 He looked down at the shining pate of the man behind the desk who was leafing through a file .
49 Robyn looked down at the black bin-liner in her hands , looked up to where he sat , registered the determined , quietly angry expression on his face and then looked at the fountain .
50 He gazed briefly down at the new baby , pink in its cradle ; and said nothing .
51 Soon , the spaceship left Earth , and everyone looked down at the burning planet .
52 Sales , 11 p.c. down at the interim stage , finished the year only 5 p.c. lower at I£292m .
53 Tom stopped at the corner of the small road near the corset shop and glanced down at the tiny alleyway where the artist 's shop stood .
54 She nodded , as she looked down at the tiny poodle .
55 She stood looking down at the tiny fireplace .
56 She collapsed on to the window-seat and stared down at the spectacular landscape spread out below .
57 But today Tilda was alone , looking down at the slanting angle of the decks as the cables gave or tightened , the passive shoreline , the secret water .
58 ‘ Mummy will be cross , ’ she murmured , wrinkling her nose as she peered down at the long tear .
59 ‘ We managed to shepherd five down at the second attempt but one straggler broke free .
60 When Coleby had gone , Peter leaned against the wall and stared down at the worn linoleum .
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