Example sentences of "[adv prt] with [art] [noun] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 And sat wearily down with a grunt and a frown
2 Sit down with a pen and paper and make a list of the things you have wanted to do in the past few years .
3 I do n't know if I 'm going down with a cold or something .
4 Well done , excellent , erm , as you can see , in some ways quite a complex er , issue , and it 's one of those things really , I think to fully understand this , you got to sit down with a pencil and paper and work it through yourself .
5 This time he did n't throw her down with a fury but gently laid her down among the downy pillows and started to strip off his shirt .
6 That , that 's a rational law , okay , it 's nothing to do with a taboo , there 's not some strange supernatural principle which says , in Savoy Street you drive on the other side , and if you do n't you 'll be struck down with a fever or ill luck or something like that .
7 He sat down with a crash and Ingram got shakily to his feet .
8 A girl sits down with a man and he says , ‘ I 'm very romantic ’ — that 's advertising .
9 A girl sits down with a man and he says , ‘ What you need is a good romance and it so happens I 'm very romantic ’ — that 's marketing .
10 A girl sits down with a man and she says , ‘ I hear you 're very romantic , please take me to dinner ’ — that 's Public Relations !
11 I 'm just sitting down with a drink and the news before dinner .
12 Marie , sick and trembling , overwhelmed with fear and guilt at her own actions , was already kneeling down with a dustpan and brush , sweeping up the broken glass from the tomato-sauce bottle that had been on the table .
13 It then defecated delicately between the sugar bowl and a coffee cup , settled down with a yawn and appeared to go to sleep .
14 And then they would spring down with a howl and rush to embrace her .
15 He remained silent , watching her , and her embarrassment grew until in the end she set her glass down with a bang and in desperation said , ‘ So are you going to tell me what 's been happening to you in the last five years ? ’
16 Laura came down with a handkerchief and wiped her son 's nose .
17 The occasional blow-ups he has at Lennie are understandable , as Lennie is very difficult to look after , and George could be popular , settle down with a woman and get a good job .
18 With difficulty , but I think it is fair to say as well it has got great compensations , because if you build walls , if you 're hiding , if you 're pretending , if you 're always subscribing parents and stopping them from coming in you make problems ; parents worry and suspect that there are problems behind those closed doors , and I think this is why we have established fifteen different parent teacher groups which meet regularly in different parts of Sussex , from Seaford to Shoreham , to Hove , to Brighton , and in small groups of ten/fifteen/twenty they 'll sit down with a teacher and they do n't just do fund raising they thrash out the different aspects of their children 's education and then they come in and meet in a main committee and I think it is this involvement that enables the parents and the teachers to work very closely together .
19 It 's really good for sitting down with a meal and just forgetting about work .
20 The bag came down with a thud and spilt its contents over the bare oak planks .
21 Chris Pike is back in the side to play Chester tomorrow after going down with the snuffles and sneezes .
22 I 'm not saying they 'd have been sucked down with the yacht but they might have had a rather uncomfortable time . ’
23 So you sit down with The Hook and ask him about what it was like in the '60s in London , when he was lionised by Van Morrison , The Animals , Peter Green and all the gut-bucket R&B bands , but he just laughs and says it was fun .
24 That we sit down with the figures and it might be another thing like we did with the bridal magazines , that we go to somebody and say , look we would like to do this to increase our turnover , will you fund us for half a year ?
25 When we have turned the corner , I will sit down with the manager and discuss the future with him . ’
26 They could put the hook in there and they could lower doors away so there 's no need for the , cos many a time in the dumb hopper when you knock that pin out , they go down with the force and it 'd break and it 'd break the er the chain , the chain link .
27 It 'll all be all right when the Vice President goes to Riyadh to sit down with the Iranians and they find out that our hostages come home , and the Ayatollah is either helping us in Central America or the contras .
28 Slice fungi and fry down with the butter and onions until all the liquid has evaporated .
29 ‘ She was out of the oxygen tent earlier- and her temperature was coming down with the antibiotics but then when she came to … she opened her eyes and suddenly seemed to go into a panic .
30 But Croat and Slovene leaders have reiterated their willingness to sit down with the Serbs and others to work out how Yugoslavia could be turned into a body not unlike the European Community .
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