Example sentences of "[adv prt] for a [noun sg] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It 's probably only one of the local kids sneaking in for a look around , ’ Jessamy tried to reassure herself .
2 In for a penny in for a pound !
3 They had n't said much to me apart from announcing themselves as Detective-Sergeant Hatchard and Detective Constable White , and even when they got back inside , Hatchard talked to the pathologist while White went off for a snoop around , as policemen do .
4 I 've got a continuation shot , well what I shall do is just try and line them up for a rush down to , which is not bad .
5 But erm , I have n't seen much of her at all this week , because erm , they 've all been out , I mean , they went up to London to see Miss Saigon , and they were gon na go out for a meal up there , and
6 Let him out for a roar round .
7 an injection and been back for a check up , yes it 's a good thirty pounds , you ca n't step in the door really without twenty five pounds .
8 Kenne gulped , and looked around for a way out .
9 THE airpass holder who whinged to the Dallas check-in clerk that she had spent all day standing by for a flight out of one of America 's less attractive airports was gently chastised .
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