Example sentences of "[adv prt] for [art] first time " in BNC.

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1 The specifications of November 1939 became a reality just 43 years ago , when a CW pump evacuated model with sealing wax joints was switched on for the first time at the end of February 1940 , and operated successfully .
2 As a climax , you could arrange for some of the room lights to be switched off one by one before the tree-lights are switched on for the first time ( test them first ! ) .
3 For instance , a LAN operating system like NetWare or an appropriate environment like Windows for Workgroups can be largely pre-installed at the factory , with the remaining configuration being done via a fill-in-the-blanks , sign-on display when the thing 's switched on for the first time .
4 I was operated on for the first time when I was two or three weeks old .
5 Andy Mutch has been trying his new kit on for the first time today .
6 There was one in this show when Charity Barnum 's understudy went on for the first time .
7 on for the first time yesterday
8 He had one fight in 1984 and was knocked down for the first time in his career .
9 The serious Christian , set down for the first time in a Christian community , is likely to bring with him a very definite idea of what Christian life together should be and try to realize it .
10 The curriculum laid down for the first time what pupils should learn in 10 subjects .
11 The woman clung to Julia 's hand and broke down for the first time , weeping and pouring out a torrent of Italian that Julia was incapable of translating for herself .
12 The leadership wants to see the proportion of union voting strength at party conferences reduced from the current 70 per cent — down for the first time this year from the traditional 90 per cent — to an eventual 50 per cent .
13 This piece of information caused Makins to slow down for the first time and look at me more carefully .
14 Trident sub goes down for the first time
15 Having driven thirty miles and for fifty minutes , he is forced to slow down for the first time .
16 ‘ Greed came in for the first time .
17 Brian Cox , who runs the operation , says : ‘ Anyone coming in for the first time is going to start by taking on what 's already there .
18 But you can get it in For the first time at any age .
19 Eventually , on Feb. 23 , a non-Congress ( I ) government was sworn in for the first time in 10 years .
20 ‘ I said if we did n't win this time we 'd abolish the b + + + + + + , ’ says Dixon , digging in for the first time since his Army days .
21 Second-row Jackson was sent off for the first time in his career along with South Wales Police hooker Colin Hillman after the two were caught wrestling off the ball .
22 In a million bathrooms , pores breathed sighs of relief as the trowelled-on layers of moisturiser , foundation , blusher , shaper , powder , eye liner , eye shadow , mascara , lashes , and lipstick were scraped off for the first time in decades .
23 Aid workers say Central Bosnia , cut off for the first time this Winter by the war between Croats and Muslims , is facing a humanitarian catastrophe .
24 An elderly English lady , with a tendency to pre-war propriety , who told me on the Friday that she was afraid it would all be ‘ another load of pretentious American rubbish ’ , said on Sunday that she had learned to open up for the first time in her life .
25 At his first school , Stockwell Junior School , David dressed up for the first time in a school nativity play .
26 ‘ Piece of cake , ’ Nails agreed as they lined up for the first time on the pool edge .
27 He made his Palace debut on Boxing Day , teaming up for the first time with Dickie Dowsett and Ronnie Allen , and helped the Palace romp to a thrilling 3–0 victory over Millwall on a freezing surface .
28 ‘ Well , ’ Jed said , speaking up for the first time , ‘ at least there were n't any tolling bells in it . ’
29 In the hospital , sitting up for the first time in several days , he had watched the doctor anointing an old man who would have made a superb St Jerome : ‘ a thin , long , sinewy brown wrinkled body with such very distinct and expressive joints that it makes one melancholy not to be able to have him for a model . ’
30 Gazza and Maradona square up for the first time for the world 's undisputed No 1 title as Lazio take on Seville in a friendly in Spain .
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