Example sentences of "[adv prt] from the [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Now , although St Petersburg is full of some of the greatest treasures of the world , full of riches that have been handed down from the imperial days , there is very little about the tsar and his family at the time of the revolution .
2 Suddenly there was a flash of lightning and a roll of thunder and the heavens burst sending us scuttling into the woods for shelter , but it was n't long before the rain got through and drenched us with miniature Niagaras that came cascading down from the broad leaves .
3 A lot of flood water had come down from the upper reaches of the Cherwell , and a body placed in the river , say , at Lonsdale Road …
4 In the gloom and dust inside , there were fluted columns and small , implacable stone faces with crowns that glared down from the upper walls .
5 Here , on all sides where this softer rock breaks or underlies the surface , streams flowing down from the upper slopes , aided and abetted by heavy rain , have , ever since the landscape was formed , been slowly penetrating the ground and eroding a honeycomb of underground caverns and passages of amazing dimensions .
6 Then they were formal again , and the company was trooping out of the courtyard and into the cold breeze that billowed down from the distant mountains , their faces set towards the east .
7 The institutes which began to open in London in the late 1850s appear to have recruited from among the lower-middle class , though Waldo McGillicuddy Eagar , a young Edwardian club worker ( later to be a leading figure in the National Association of Boys ' Clubs ) claimed that ‘ as anxiety about the working classes was intensified , some Youths ’ Institutes reached down from the middle classes to the poor , and increasingly diluted their formal educational programmes with recreational activities .
8 More and more monsters swarmed down from the glowing mountains .
9 With this as the acquired recording , it was exceedingly difficult — or so it seemed at the time — to slip down from the stress-filled beta-waves of everyday living , to those desired alpha-waves of mental quiet and healing .
10 This week , they play three nights at London 's Town & Country Club , which is n't bad , but it 's a high step down from the dizzy heights of packing out Wembley for several shows on the trot as they did five years ago when they were one of the biggest bands in Europe .
11 Above all , I look forward as the new Labour Party Treasurer to bringing the party membership fee down from the dizzy heights of eighteen pounds to the level which we in the trades unions know ordinary people can afford .
12 There are more ways to step up and down from the specially-made benches than you could possibly imagine , and , for the puny-armed , the well thought out choreography incorporates upper body work , too .
13 The capes are famous for a confused and ugly swell , and peculiar lumps of wind that crash down from the coastal peaks of the Taurus Mountains .
14 Nowadays they 're holidaymakers ponytrekking … once they would have been shepherds riding down from the Welsh mountains .
15 Could you repeat the bit about the insect-headed aliens gazing down from the spinning globules of light ?
16 From his new station he could see the three lakes — Loweswater , Crummock Water and Buttermere — lined up in the valley like three barges ready to be towed down to the shore ; he could see the bivouac huts of some woodmen and he spotted more than one flock coming down from the high pastures — but Mary chided him .
17 Shortly before the first autumn snows the flock is brought down from the high pastures .
18 Thousands of imported sheep had left their devastating mark and the latest ‘ crop ’ , the deer , finished off any saplings the sheep might have missed when they came down from the high tops in the winter .
19 Add to this a language problem , surround the ship with smaller fishing vessels and throw liberal quantities of slimy mackerel underfoot , anchor it in a remote Scottish loch with vicious squalls of wind and rain roaring down from the surrounding hills , try working for days on end with very little sleep in these conditions and you have some idea of our difficulties .
20 Coming from eighty throats , it swept with them down from the wooded foothills and made them sound like a flock of scavenging birds disturbed from their carcass .
21 When the Gruagach had come storming down from the Northern Wastes and attacked Tara and stolen away the Wolfking 's son , Tara 's heir , the people of the half-world of the forest had vanished , afraid and timid .
22 The German defences north of South Vaagsö had been bombed by three Blenheims an hour or so earlier , no doubt adding to the confusion at the German 181 Division 's headquarters for they had no clear picture of events and a patrol sent down from the northern defences lost two men at the road-block .
23 For a moment , the centuries seemed to roll away , and she could visualise grim-faced men in chain-mail racing to answer some alarm , while women in wimpled head-dresses leaned down from the Gothic windows to bid them Godspeed .
24 Two hundred miles from land the fierce Amazon river stained the dark water darker , red with the silt it carries down from the secret jungles and mountains of the New World .
25 On one of these , Belov stepped down from the wooden rails .
26 There are so many historical sights to take in from the ancient temples , the Valley of the Kings on the West Bank to the High Dam at Aswan .
27 When this happens it is time to celebrate and consider all the various offers raining in from the major labels .
28 But coming in from the shabby streets outside , which smell of coal and cement dust and Wartburg exhausts , the effect is of life and excitement .
29 Sculpture comes in from the far reaches of the Pavillon de Flore at the Louvre
30 Pin on the seamline , 1.5cm ( ⅝in ) in from the raw edges , with pins placed at right angles to the seam .
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