Example sentences of "[adv prt] from [v-ing] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Henri answered the insistent buzz of the telephone , almost instantly holding it out to Mait , who came in from inspecting the hounfort .
2 I walk out on to the great parade-ground beyond , where the grandstands left over from Trooping the Colour are still displacing the more usual arrangements for Trooping the Parked Cars .
3 David Dorn takes time off from watching the screen antics to bring you the details .
4 If the public needs to be made aware of what 's going on then I shall be the one to do it , and no one … no one will scare me off from reporting the truth ! ’
5 In fact , as it turned out , the great majority of the 300,000 German troops reported by Schmidt-Richberg as approaching Austria on 13 May were cut off from reaching the frontier by Tito 's forces , or were already in the process of surrendering inside Yugoslavia .
6 As is well known , the Italians are soccer mad and so it is a fair bet that come Saturday , Michaelangelo would forsake the Cistern Chapel and Leonardo Da Vinci break off from designing the clockwork egg slicer and instead be found occupying the terraces of Inter-Milan or Juventus .
7 As he straightened up from adjusting the wick , he stared at me .
8 George looked up from tightening the girth as she banged the stable door behind her and stood , back pressed against it , glaring at him wildly .
9 This tourniquet is released before the needle is withdrawn from the vein to prevent the back-pressure which has built up from causing the blood to spurt out and form a bruise .
10 That is , policing is experiential : it is based on the common sense that is built up from doing the job , and senior constables have some influence on the meaning which new recruits give this ‘ common sense ’ .
11 ‘ When you get back from seeing the Governor maybe . ’
12 This morning I came back from doing the weekend shopping and it was — it had all been done over .
13 Andrew came back from opening the door for her : " Do you think they 'll hunt tomorrow ? " he asked .
14 But its decision to step back from examining the authority 's employment practices has disappointed several party members in the area , even though a report is being prepared by independent management consultants into the authority 's current and historic recruitment practices .
15 Its decision to step back from examining the authority 's employment methods has disappointed several party members in the area , even though a report is being prepared by independent management consultants into the authority 's current and historic recruitment practices .
16 Since early February oyster-catchers had been arriving back from spending the winter around the big estuaries of mainland Britain and by the end of March were well distributed in coastal areas .
17 Yet we consoled ourselves with what we took to be a furtive glint of triumph in Ranteallo 's eyes as he accepted our pig money , and swore to us that he would not burn the house down before we could make it back from filming the king 's burial in the death-cliffs .
18 It was early , though , the next morning when Wendy Witherington came back from answering the telephone .
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