Example sentences of "[adv prt] in [noun sg] [to-vb] the " in BNC.

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1 The items between the top of the partition and the gap formed by the moving of the instance are shuffled down in order to remove the gap .
2 You have a dialogue box to go through in order to amend the entry , and you can only get to it by double clicking on the item 's stock code .
3 He hurled himself over in bed to study the writing under the lamp , still could n't decide whether it was Jim 's or Bella 's , ate a piece of milk chocolate , and then six Codeines , because he had forgotten to bring his sleeping pills .
4 The TRACE II designers had to duplicate the entire knowledge network over and over in order to represent the time course of speech processing .
5 Having been commissioned to write an opera buffa for the 1774–75 carnival season in Munich , Mozart , again accompanied by his father , set off in order to complete the composition , La finta giardiniera .
6 The general budget comprised the government budget ( some 40 per cent of the total ) and the budget for state-owned companies , due to be sold off in order to reduce the state 's role in the economy ( US$1.00=IR71.1848 as at March 19 , 1990 ) .
7 It was a type of initiation ceremony for new boys and took place during Saturday break when two prefects held each new boy up in turn to kiss the Old Man to the accompaniment of the ironical applause of the whole school .
8 The Loan Guarantee Scheme ( LGS ) and the Business Expansion Scheme ( BES ) are government initiatives that have been set up in order to facilitate the channelling of funds from financial institutions to small businesses ( thus these schemes are ‘ enabling mechanisms ’ rather than forms of financial intermediation ) .
9 The complete narrative proposed by this group is as follows , with letters retained for ease of reference , but with the gaps between the sentences closed up in order to render the sequence 'story-like " .
10 Again a series of experimental projects was set up in order to evaluate the effect of the measure on traffic safety .
11 Within weeks , the Westminster Gazette ( 15 September 1898 ) had taken it up in order to ridicule the enemy forces in the Sudan campaign .
12 We agree with Bremner et al and with Spechler and Goyal et al , who stated that the established Barrett 's oesophagus represents the true cases and that ‘ creeping substitute ’ or developing Barrett 's oesophagus should be carefully followed up in order to determine the progression or not of these lesions .
13 Leaving home , getting married , going on holiday , promotion at work , starting a family , all require certain familiar routines and rhythms to be given up in order to make the most of a new situation .
14 The selection procedure has been set up in order to discover the most suitable supplier and method .
15 The protestors turned up in force to confront the man , but he 'd already been and gone .
16 They came up in time to see the penultimate line-up .
17 There was also the necessity of waking up in time to catch the transport to work .
18 In their position , I have no doubt that anyone would throw stones and anything else one could lay hands on in order to change the situation .
19 Menachem Begin the leader of Irgun , who was wanted for the murders of sergeants Martin and Paice ( see Daily Express ) went on in time to become the Prime Minister of the Zionist State of Israel .
20 ‘ A trio of heroes set out in winter to save the land in a quest to the north .
21 It was read out in parliament to persuade the commons in the euphoric aftermath of Crécy to grant two subsidies and publicly proclaimed at St Paul 's to arouse popular enthusiasm for the war .
22 Further work needs to be carried out in order to improve the present level of constitutional , decentralized and resource concepts of accountability .
23 We expect the Islamic nation to support us in our latest struggle which we are carrying out in order to preserve the interests of the whole Islamic world .
24 So far only a preliminary amount of work has been carried out in order to assess the restoration work required .
25 Moreover , readers by now will not be surprised to learn that political considerations ( rather than goods-specific externalities ) have been picked out in order to explain the selection of other forms of subsidies than cash transfers ( Browning 1975 ) .
26 Having said that , I feel that there are significant aspects that should be brought out in order to put the matter in perspective .
27 Anything else you 'd get as many boxes as you possibly could and carry them out in order to do the job efficiently .
28 Certain sections , when they fall into deep shadow , give the effect of having been gouged out in order to show the interior as well as the exterior structure of the head .
29 The bones of the policy-makers and their agents must be fleshed out in order to refine the theory .
30 Sets , barrel curls and pin curling will be out in force to create the fabulous tumbling locks , reminiscent of Hollywood film stars .
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