Example sentences of "[adv prt] and begin [to-vb] the " in BNC.

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1 Lisa watched in a kind of mute subdued horror as the waiter came in and began to arrange the coffee things on a low glass-topped table between Vass 's armchair and her sofa .
2 ‘ An hour later I sat down and began to write the script . ’
3 The sooner you " sus out " what happens at college , the sooner you 'll settle down and begin to enjoy the college experience .
4 Then , naked , she went through and began to fill the huge , sunken bath .
5 Silently , Tessa switched the television off and began to clear the table .
6 She stood up and began to gather the plates , remarking as she did so , ‘ When I 've washed these dishes it 'll be time to leave for the hospital . ’
7 Bob got up and began to put the things on the table for dinner .
8 Matilda stood up and began to say the two-times table .
9 He did not attempt the removal of the pyjama jacket , but suddenly stood up and began to pull the red trousers down and get them off ; and it seemed that Patrick , shifting very slightly , assisted the operation , his eyes now moving in awareness of what Marcus was doing .
10 He was cold to the bone , and with the first faint grey of pre-dawn he got up and began to walk the passageway , stamping his chilled feet with an infinitely small , puny sound against the flags of the flooring .
11 She stood up and began to pace the floor .
12 From the winter egg an insect called the leaf form hatches out and begins to suck the lower surface of its birthplace , a young leaf , causing the formation of a hollow gall .
13 This forms as the fibrils fan out and begin to create the spherical outline .
14 Stretching , she eased her back and began to tidy the desk .
15 Osman turned round and began to harangue the crowd .
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