Example sentences of "[adv prt] and [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The door was open , and as there was no reply to our knocking , we walked in and along the corridor which I knew led to the main living quarters .
2 To advise the Secretary of State on the practical considerations which should govern all assessment including testing of attainment at age ( approximately ) 7 , 11 , 14 and 16 within a national curriculum , including the marking scale or scales and kinds of assessment including testing to be used , the need to differentiate so that the assessment can promote learning across a range of abilities , the relative roles of informative and of diagnostic assessment , the uses to which the results of assessment should be put , the moderation requirements needed to secure credibility of assessments , and the publication and other services needed to support the system — with a view to securing assessment and testing arrangements which are simple to administer , understandable by all in and outside the education service , cost effective and supportive of learning in schools .
3 Above all , does not the cross show that this is how God always acts in and towards the world , eternally vulnerable to the worst of pain and suffering which it manifests ?
4 The vānaprasthin on the other hand , seeks to realize Truth existentially in and through the service of others .
5 It stems also from the inherent violence of sexual subordination and the ( mis ) representation which ( re ) produces it , especially in and through the category of the sexual deviant .
6 She deploys a Foucauldian version of Lacanian theory , which suggests that language emerges in and through the recognition of power differences , including gender differences .
7 That in and under the bread and wine , as Calvin put it , set apart from common use to this holy use to represent his body and blood , he feeds us with his very life I in you and you in me , I the vine and you the branches .
8 The British executive is collective and the Prime Minister 's power is exercised in and with the Cabinet .
9 The belief of the City Council is that , notwithstanding there are clearly difficult traffic problems in the city , there is more opportunity to encourage people to use other more environmentally friendly modes of travel by locating development in and on the edge of the main urban area , a view that 's supported by P P G thirteen and the research document onto planning , transport and planning emis planning and transport emissions on which it was based .
10 Mr justifies abandoning the approach in and on the basis that the decision was arrived at in a different housing market , when it was reasonable to conclude that the plaintiff 's loss of interest on the capital employed would be exceeded by the increase in the value of the property .
11 He says we 've had alot of people round looking at the garden and alot of the Chelsea pensioners have been looking in and at the sign above the door and saying ’ Ah yes , I think I know that person ! . ’
12 just say right we 'll put a pound a week in and at the end of the year
13 As far as she could remember , it was something about jumping out of the thing you cook in and into the thing you cooked on .
14 In fact , I could n't have worked without having a chase before I went in and during the lunch hour .
15 To take advantage of this unbeatable offer , simply fill in and post the order form , today .
16 They do it in and up the road in Peterborough they 've got about thirty eight community centre and the labour run council there is handing every one , every one of them over to the local communities .
17 That used to be with er a piece of net in and across the top used to have two piece of wire , one way , and two piece the other and you catch a crab open the crab open and they used to put the crab between there and the whelks used to feed on the crab and then when you pulled it out , they all went to the bottom of the net .
18 and we went in and like the vicar greets you at the door do n't he and she was like up to the vicar like , you know , she 's more fucking heavier than thou
19 In order to proceed with your analysis and understand the question fully , you will need to look for what is " hidden " in and by the question .
20 Further , such displacements of non-sexual fears on to the sexual deviant , be he or she actual , imagined , or constituted in and by the displacement , are made possible because other kinds of transgression — political , religious — are not only loosely associated with the sexual deviant , but ‘ condensed ’ in the very definition of deviance .
21 Then you go in and by the time you 've arrived at his bedside , he will have acquired a dim grasp of where he is .
22 From the first , our face is a simulacrum , captured in and by the image .
23 In 1901 more than a quarter of all employed males in North Shields worked in and around the port and there were nearly 2000 seamen and 600 dockers and coal heavers resident in the town .
24 After this time L4 and L5 have been found in and around the pancreas before their appearance in the large intestinal lumen .
25 The point made by Mr Bishop about employment , shopping and other land I also wish to respond to , I think one of the other participants did mention the issue of existing provision , it 's been quite clear from the work of the Greater York authorities that certainly shopping terms there is an oversupply of shopping companies in and around the edge of the urban area at the present time , we have a number of major outstanding consents which have not yet been taken up .
26 This company is the world 's leading marketer and manufacturer of power tools and other quality products used in and around the home and for commercial applications .
27 According to the Prudential , the average dad puts in 20 hours a week working in and around the home , and if employed through an agency , his weekly bill would be £244 .
28 Rainforests occur in and around the equator and , as such , have constant sunshine beating down all year round , providing temperatures of between 64°F and 86°F .
29 With quality as our watchword , we present our regular round-up of the best buys in and around the capital
30 With quality as our watchword , we present our regular round-up of the best buys in and around the capital
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