Example sentences of "[adv prt] of [art] water [conj] " in BNC.

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1 It gives them plenty of cover and also somewhere to rest with their heads out of the water but their bodies submerged .
2 ‘ It was glorious weather and very pleasant generally if you stayed out of the water but once you 're in the water , you are in trouble at this time of year . ’
3 They 'll frequently jump cigar out of the water while swimming fast , enabling them to maintain their speed while coming to the surface to breathe .
4 Whilst doing this you must keep the end of the boom out of the water since if it ‘ catches ’ , the wind will fill the sail and control will be lost .
5 Of all the great canards quacking about in the European propaganda lake , none is more easily shot out of the water than the one about German federalists .
6 By bunging the end of the downpipe with the filter mat all the debris is filtered out of the water before it goes into the bucket or water butt , which saves time and energy trying to strain it out later .
7 Taking the boats out of the water and loading them on the cars is a chore .
8 He grasped the forestay in both hands as high up as he could reach and drew himself out of the water and on to the forward hull beam as smoothly as a dolphin breaking for air .
9 The open jaws of a big barracuda were enough to keep most people out of the water and his party had n't shown themselves that keen over the past three days .
10 These sparkling crystal green pools look ideal for swimming , but beware dangerous undercurrents , the fact that they are deeper than the look , a temperature cold enough to freeze-dry your internal organs , and an audience of 50 tourists who will stand and watch as you try to get out of the water and back into your underpants with some dignity and without swearing .
11 Nails ' foot hooked for him , picked him out of the water and , with a neat thrust to the chest , stood him upright .
12 The water start uses the force of the wind to pull you out of the water and , when performed properly , is a faster and more efficient means of starting on all types of board .
13 He suggests that the term ‘ porpoising ’ should be used to describe any aquatic animal that leaps out of the water and uses less energy than it would if it were surface swimming at the same speed .
14 With one concerted effort , they heaved the boar out of the water and up on to the bank .
15 Despite the pain , he managed to push up out of the water and roll with practised efficiency over the side , and in .
16 The male positions himself at the edge of the nest and fires a rapid succession of water droplets one to two inches out of the water and onto the nest itself to possibly agitate the eggs for recognition purposes .
17 A large wahoo , a game fish in the mackerel family , leapt out of the water and sunk its teeth into his left hand and forearm , cutting him to the bone ( Pawtucket Valley Daily Times , Rhode Island , 2 March 1987 ) .
18 Fisherman Anthony Fernando , 21 , died off Sri Lanka when a garfish ( like a swordfish ) jumped out of the water and speared his neck ( Sun , 9 March 1988 ) .
19 He hopped out of the water and sat down on the bank next to Anabelle .
20 ‘ The jet-ski shot out of the water and hit me on the head .
21 And we had to hoist ourselves up out of the water and then go and dance — it was dreadful .
22 When pursued , they shoot out of the water and spread greatly elongated , broad pectorals which until now have been held close to the body .
23 Ploughing through this for almost an hour brought us well into the hillside and at length to where the rail bed rose out of the water and into the old engine room .
24 They amazed us by leaping high out of the water and somersaulting two or three times before nosing beneath it again without missing a beat .
25 The mouse jumped half out of the water and looked at her angrily .
26 Somebody called , ‘ Tea 's ready , ’ and the bathers scrambled out of the water and began drying themselves .
27 He was lifted out of the water and dumped with a smack on hard wood .
28 Felipe was out of the water and waiting for them as they arrived at the place where the lake quietly lapped the path .
29 For some reason , this last little tale sends Rainbow up out of the water and into the showers .
30 She expected arguments , but there were none as the group obeyed David instantly , the more able-bodied standing quietly by the poolside while David , the woman , who she found out was called Sybil , and the pool attendant helped the more severely disabled out of the water and into wheelchairs .
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