Example sentences of "[adv prt] in [art] same way " in BNC.

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1 But the most important thing I thought was the thought process I mean just just saying this while you were just going on I just jotted down in the same way you could come off with three ideas that around and I felt that was that was ideal .
2 However , this result does not carry through in the same way to the cases we have just been discussing where managerial utility depends on effort as well as income .
3 The consignment was brought over in the same way and after it was left in a lay-by in Lymm , Cheshire , Customs officers pounced when Scott arrived to collect it .
4 Dominic Woosey purveys his own brand of ambient House , lightly peppered with acidic loops , whilst Cosmic Baby turns the acid machines up full and demonstrates why Germany is about to take off in the same way that Belgium did last year .
5 That is to say , if one made the same measurement on a large number of similar systems , each of which started off in the same way , one would find that the result of the measurement would be A in a certain number of cases , B in a different number , and so on .
6 Platies and other livebearers do n't pair up in the same way as cichlids do — keeping them in pairs would be a waste of time , as they 're unfussy about which partner they choose to breed with .
7 ‘ But to suggest that coincidentally this recording , made just a fortnight earlier , was also picked up in the same way does stretch one 's credibility . ’
8 The paper back is pasted , and the roll put up in the same way as standard wallpaper .
9 He has asked for much the same amount of money , divided up in the same way : two-thirds of the money to criminal-enforcement efforts , one-third to treatment .
10 Larger units of measurements in the metric system , are built up in the same way as the number system , based again on tens and tenths .
11 The problem is that although the typeface may have the same name — indeed it may even come from the same original — it may not have been coded up in the same way .
12 It is clear that , in the past , artists who work independently of the West End galleries have not been taken up in the same way as those under the big dealers .
13 A cartridge pleat heading is made up in the same way as pinch pleats ( page 22 ) , but the bases of the small tubes ( pleats ) are not pinched up but left rounded by filling with a soft stuffing such as wadding .
14 Once the interlining has been locked in , the two layers of fabric can be treated as one and made up in the same way .
15 He remembers his lonely school days , in assured manner that his son will not grow up in the same way .
16 And after closing the door , she still stood and repeated to herself , ‘ Land up in the same way as you did . ’
17 So I started to write a variation on the first bar and told her to go on in the same way and to keep to the idea .
18 This way of thinking is not reasonable , yet we carry on in the same way , generation after generation , never learning by our past mistakes .
19 All that memory can provide contributes already to our feeling that in calling this sensation ‘ pain ’ we are going on in the same way , following the rule .
20 Fast on its heels came MacPublisher and Ready-Set-Go but somehow neither caught on in the same way .
21 Ordinarily , learning allows us to go on in the same way , to repeat what has been learned , whether it is a matter of fact ( that London is the capital of England ) or an action ( driving a car in familiar circumstances ) .
22 erm So now we started up the long term survey , and we 've now got 10 schools taking part , and they 're starting next week , and they 'll be carrying on in the same way as they were the pilot survey , taking the same measurements .
23 At that point we could still take water from the aquifer , but we would have to pump it out in the same way as we would from an unconfined aquifer .
24 Different types of shops are laid out in different ways — you would n't expect an expensive dress shop to be laid out in the same way as a supermarket , for example .
25 Put the line ferret through the system and the loose ferret may well be located and subsequently dug out in the same way as a rabbit .
26 Mortar shots are worked out in the same way as shots from stone throwers .
27 In vain she may cry , as Gregor Samsa does to his parents , sister and employer , that the same person is there inside , looking out in the same way at the world .
28 New tasks for perception can only be carried out in the same way ‘ under the guidance of tactile appropriation ’ ( ibid : 242 ) .
29 The space inside the small cube is called 1 cubic centimetre ( cm3 ) and is worked out in the same way .
30 The catechist will read out in the same way as we did for the Celebration of Enrolment , erm whichever catechist is doing will say I present to you and call out a name , and you stand up in your seat with your parents .
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